System Properties
System Property |
Value | Description |
auto.refresh.interval | Value in seconds | This property causes an auto refresh to occur on all pages at timed intervals. |
definition.sub.view | true / false | If this property is set to true, the metadata definition sub-view is displayed.If this property is set to false, the Metadata sub-view will not be displayed. | | true / false | If this property is set to true, a description of a metadata field will be hidden and "question mark" icon will be displayed. If the question mark icon is wiped over with the mouse, the destails will be displayed.If set to false, the metadata description will be displayed against the respective field actions, resources, profiles and so on. | | true / false | If set to true, caching of keyframes is moved to the location of "mio.temp.dir" instead of " .tmpdir". |
session.timeout | Value in seconds | This property defines session timeouts in seconds. |
sms.url.template | See description |${}&text=${message}${}&text=${message}&from=MioEverywhere This property sends notifications via SMS. Enter a REST call with the correct API key and secret. If this property is not defined, SMS notifications will not be sent. |
system.enviroment | Customer specific property. | Check that customised fields in asset, workflow and my task should not be available if system properties a not defined |
system.table.pagination | 10\15\25\50 | This property defines the table pagination size. Default page size is dependant on the number of records set. |
tv.nativ.mio.client.ftp.transfer.retry.interval | Any integer value | This property increases or decreases FTP transfer retry intervals in seconds. If this property is not set, it will be set to 10 by default. | | Title | This property is used to set the default sort group asset member. Group members will be sorted according to the given value. | | Ingest \ Import \ New \ Proxy \ Transcode \ Clip \ Copy | This property defines the default search for an asset origin. | | Group or File | This property sets the default asset type for asset search results. If this property is not specified or the values that are set do not match with any possible value, it is set to "Any" by default. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.asset.subviews | summary, files, history, players, publishing, jobs, workflows, attachments, keyframes, metadata | This property enables ordering / hiding / showing of all sub-view tabs in the asset view section. If this property is not set, all values will be shown. Note: Matching the names of the sub-view is case insensitive and non-matching values will be ignored. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.dashboard.activity.hide | true / false (The default value is false). | If this property is set to true, dashboard activity will be hidden (Disables events in dashboard). |
tv.nativ.mio.console.default.url | Configure any page url which is acted as bookmark url for all account users | This property sets the default URL at the top of the page. Note: If this property is not set, check if an account property is set for the tv.nativ.mio.console.default.url. property. If an account preoperty has been set, redirect to that account property. If an account property has not been set, the URL will be redirected to the desktop by default. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.excludeaccountworkspacememberships | true / false | This property filters the account workspace from the workspace list in the global navigation. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.footerlink.alttext | Text | When this property is set, the value will be displayed as a footer link in the Flex console. When users mouse over the text a tooltip is revealed. If the property is not defined, the link will not be rendered. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.footerlink.text | Text | This property sets the footer text in the Flex console. If this property is not defined, the link will not be rendered. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.footerlink.url | URL | This property sets the footer link in the Flex console. If the property is not defined, the link will not be rendered. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.helplink.alttext | Text | This property sets the help link in the Flex console.. The value that is set will be displayed as a help link. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.helplink.text | Help link text | This property is used to configure the help link text in the Flex console. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.helplink.url | Help link url | This property is used to configure help link url in the Flex console. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.megamenu.hide | true / false | This property is used to hide / display the megamenu in the Flex console. If this property is set to true, the menu will be hidden. | | true / false | This property is used to configure the object menu in the Flex console. -If this property is set to true, the system will display the menu item (user defined objects) as a sub-menu. -If the property is set to false, then new top-level business object types generate their own top-level tab with an icon and text. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.preview.max.height | Any integer value | While previewing video, this property shows the video in the specified height. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.preview.max.width | Any integer value | While previewing video, this property shows the video in the specified width. | | true / false | If this property is set to true "All" will be selected for accounts, workspaces & variants in the General Options section of the Flex search. If this property is set to false, the default is set to the current account and workspace, and it is set to "All" for variants. | | `<definitiondisplayname>` | If this property is set, then the search options for a specified metadata will be selected by default. | | list / grid | If this property is set to "list", the list view will be displayed by default in asset search results.If this property is set to "grid" then a grid view is displayed by default in the asset search results. | | search / dashboard | If this property is set to "search", then the search page will be displayed.If this preoperty is set to "dashboard" then the dashboard will be displayed. If the system property is not set, the property is set to "dashboard" by default. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.typeahead.maxwidth | 400 | This property sets the metadata typeahead field width (number of characters) |
tv.nativ.mio.console.userdefinedobject. search.member.workspace.scope.all |
true / false | If this property is set to true, then it will display the results for Productions from "all workspaces" that the user is a member of. Note: This is a client specific property. | | root | This property sets the selected object type in the search criteria as the root in the hierarchy, when navigating to a user defined object search page. If this property is not set, it will be set to "all" by default. |
tv.nativ.mio.console.workflow.summary.disable | true / false | This property disables the workflow summary.If this property is set to yes, it will disable the workflow summary. If the property is not defined then workflow summary will be displayed by default. |
tv.nativ.mio.enterprise.account.job.timeout | Time in seconds | This property defines the job global time out in seconds.</td> | | true / false | This property is used to log evaluated job configuration information. |
tv.nativ.mio.enterprise.script.classloader.reset | true / false | If this property is set as true, the class loader will always be reset when executing any script. This will be set back to false after it is cleared (To clear groovy class loader). | default.check.interval | Time in seconds | This property sets the default file check interval in seconds. |
tv.nativ.mio.externalId.keys | Comma separated list of valid external ID keys | If this property is set, then the validation will be displayed while set \ modify external ID on object if its not from defined list. An external ID key must be in this list for it to be valid. |
tv.nativ.mio.resource.failure.retry | true / false | If this property is set to true, a retry is required if a resource fails. | | Any integer value | This property restricts certain queries to a lower amount of maximum SQL search results. |
tv.nativ.mio.service.mail.from | | This property overwrites mail from an address or defines mail coming from an address. |
tv.nativ.mio.service.mail.logging.excerpt.length | This property sets the message log size (Email excerpt length in logs). | | | true / false | If this property is set as true, the shotlog is displayed. | | `<<Countrycode>>` for eg. GB | This property sets the country code: |
tv.nativ.mio.user.default.timezone | `<Timezone>` For eg. Asia/Calcutta | This property sets the timezone. A timezone should be entered in exactly the same format as displayed in the user details page. |
typeahead.dropdown.results.size | Any integer value | This property sets the typeahead dropdown size. (To view a set number of results in typeahead suggestions). | | Path | This property sets the variable instance path as the name in metadata modified event data. |
com.ooyala.flex.console.asset.summary.enabled | true / false |
If this property is set to true, then the asset summary will be displayed in the Assets tab. If value is set to false then, then the asset summary will not be displayed in the Assets tab. |
Account Properties
Name | Account Property | Description | Value |
Asset Subview Order | `tv.nativ.mio.console.asset.subviews` | Enables ordering, as well as visibility of all sub-view tabs in the asset view. | You must the specify sub-view names for the asset object which you want users to see in the UI. If these are not specified, all of them will be shown by default. Each item must be sperated by a comma. For example: summary, files, history, players, publishing, jobs, workflows, attachments, keyframes, metadata. **Note:** Matching the names of the sub-view is case insensitive and non-matching values are ignored. |
Auto Refresh Interval Seconds | `auto.refresh.interval` | Sets the auto refresh time for all pages. | Seconds |
Clear Groovy Class Loader | `tv.nativ.mio.enterprise.script.classloader.reset` | If this property is set to true, the class loader will always be reset when executing any script from that point onward. This will be set back to false after it is cleared. (To Clear Groovy Class Loader) | Boolean |
Default File Check Interval | `` | Sets the default polling interval for resource configurations. | Time in seconds. |
Default Search Asset Origin | `` | This value defines the default search for the asset origin. You must specify a value from one of the following: Ingest, Import, New, Proxy, Transcode, Clip, Copy | |
Default Search Asset Type | `` | Sets the default asset type for asset search results. If no system value has been specified, or the values do not match with any possible value, it will set the standard value i.e any. | Group or File |
Default Sort Group Asset Member | `` | Sets the default sort group asset member (Group members will be sorted according to the given value) | String |
Default Table Pagination Size | `system.table.pagination` | Sets the default page size. This will be as per the number of records (default table pagination size). | String (n1/n2/n3/n4/n5) e.g. 10/25/50/100 |
Default Typeahead Dropdown Size | `typeahead.dropdown.results.size` | Sets the typeahead dropdown size (To view a set number of results in the typeahead suggestions). | Enter any integer value. |
Display Metadata Definition Sub-Views | `definition.sub.view` | If this property is set to true, this will display the metadata definition sub-view. | Boolean |
Display Metadata Descriptions in Pop-up | `` | Enables descriptions for metadata definitions to be displayed or hidden. If this property is set to true, then the description of the metadata field will be hidden and ? icon will be displayed. If a user wipes over this icon with a mouse, it will display the metadata description. If this is set to false, then the metadata description will be displayed against the respective fields. Actions, resources, profiles, and so on are not affected. Only assets and user-defined objects are affected. | Boolean |
Email Excerpt Length in Logs | `tv.nativ.mio.service.mail.logging.excerpt.length` | Controls the message log size (email excerpt length in logs). | Integer |
Email From Address | `tv.nativ.mio.service.mail.from` | Used to overwrite mail from an address or to define the email from an address. | String |
External Id Keys | `tv.nativ.mio.externalId.keys` | If this property is defined, the validation will be displayed while set/modify external ID on object if its not from defined list. An external ID key must be in this list for it to be valid. | Comma separated String list |
Footer Alt Text | `tv.nativ.mio.console.footerlink.alttext` | Maximum Full Text Search Results. | Text |
Footer Text | `tv.nativ.mio.console.footerlink.url` | Specifies the footer text for the URL. If system properties are not defined, then the link will not be rendered. | URL |
Help Link Text | `tv.nativ.mio.console.helplink.text` | Configure the help link text. | String |
Help Link URL | `tv.nativ.mio.console.helplink.url` | Configure the help link URL. | URL |
Job Timeout | `tv.nativ.mio.enterprise.account.job.timeout` | Defines a job's global time out. | Integer |
Log Evaluated Job Config Info | `` | This property when evaluated, should not be displayed in job history (Log Evaluated Job Config Info). | Boolean |
Maximum Full Text Search Results | `` | Maximum number of full text search results. | Integer |
Maximum SQL Search Results | `` | Maximum number of full search results. | Integer |
Retry Resource on Failure | `tv.nativ.mio.resource.failure.retry` | Controls if resource polling should be retried on failure. | Boolean |
Session Timeout Seconds | `session.timeout` | Defines the user login session timeout in seconds. | Integer |
SMS message URL template | `sms.url.template` | Enables you to send notifications via sms. In order to do this, you must enter a REST call using the correct API key and a secret. If property is not defined then sms notifications will not be sent. | URL |
Vantage Package | `tv.nativ.mio.console.package.asset.hide` | Enable the Vantage packaging features. | Boolean |
Use Variable Instance Path as Name in Metadata Modified Event Data | `` | Use Variable Instance Path for the name in the metadata modified event data. | Path |
1 comment
Can we update the document on how/where to get to the settings? The list of properties alone is not helpful.
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