Creating a Workflow
Follow these steps to create this simple workflow to archive and restore assets in Dalet Flex.
In Flex Core, go to the New menu and select Workflow Definition.
In the Create new Workflow Definition screen, give your workflow definition a Name and an optional Description.
Set which accounts and groups have access to the workflow by setting its Visibility and then click Save.
Go to the Graph sub-tab and "Click to Create Graph".
The Workflow Designer opens.
On the left you can see the Workflow panel and on the right of the screen there is an empty canvas where you can create your workflow. The workflow panel on the left has three areas:
- Controls: Options to work with Workflow Designer
- Components: Different types of nodes to add to your workflow
- Current Item: Editable fields for the currently selected node or transition
You must now select the different nodes to add to your workflow and configure every node that you add.
For example, if you add an archive resource you must set the specific action type that you want the workflow to use and all the steps that will conduct to the archiving process.
Once you have added your nodes, join them together using transitions.
Follow these steps to create your import workflow with the objects that you have created or using other resources in your account.
1. Every workflow must have a Start node, so begin by clicking on Start in the Basic group and then click on the canvas to add the Start node to the graph.
If you want to change the name of the node, select it and edit the default text in the Name field in the Current Item section.
2. In the Workflow group, select Decision and then click on the canvas to add the Decision action to the graph.
Select the node and in the Config drop down list in the Current Item section, select the Archive-Bootstrap action that you created previously. Edit the name of the node as Bootstrap.
3. In the same Workflow group, select Script and from the Config drop down list in the Current Item section, select Media Status - Archive (JEF) that you created previously. Rename the node as Change Asset Archive Status.
4. In the Resource group, select Archive and then click on the canvas to add the Archive node to the graph.
Select the node and in the Config drop down list in the Current Item section, select the Archive action that you created previously. You can also edit the name of the node.
5. Every workflow must have a End node, so click on End in the Basic group and then click on the canvas to add the End node to the graph. You can change the name in the Current Item section.
6. Now you have to join all the nodes together with Transitions so that your workflow runs in the correct order. Click on Transition and hover over the Start node and your icon will become a cross.
Simply click on the node, and then drag the arrow to the node you want it to connect to, in this case the Bootstrap archive action.
You can change the transition name by clicking on current item and edit name.
7. Once you have linked up all your nodes in the correct order, it is important to validate your workflow to ensure that your configuration is valid. In the Controls section, click on .
- If your workflow is valid, a green tick will appear next to each of the nodes.
- If you have any invalid nodes, then a warning symbol is displayed on them.
To save your workflow, you must correct any invalid nodes, either by correcting the configuration or changing the transitions.
8. You cannot save your workflow if it contains invalid nodes. You must correct these before you can continue.
Once you have completed your workflow and validated, click on Save.
You will be asked if you want to Save & Deploy the workflow, in which case it will be available for use or you can select Save to create or update the draft of the workflow. As for all objects in Dalet Flex you must Enable your workflow to be able to use it.
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