The Job Execution Framework (JEF) enables you to develop your own action plugins and execute them in microservices outside of Dalet Flex Enterprise.
JEF makes it possible to extend Dalet Flex’s job capabilities, as well as infinitely scale its job execution
capabilities, thus giving developers the power to create custom action plugins that are tailored to suit the needs of individual customers.
Once an action plugin has been deployed, it appears in the list of existing actions in the Dalet Flex console, ready for people to use. JEF makes it easy to update your plugins continually by creating new versions of them. This way, users of Dalet Flex always have access to the latest version.
JEF provides the software infrastructure for the following people:
- Developers, post-sales solutions architects, and operations professionals who need to create bespoke actions that can be used to help customers achieve a wide variety of unique goals.
- Certain customers of Dalet, such as external developers and third party integrators who need to execute new jobs in a scalable microservice architecture.
Advantages of Flex Job Execution Framework
The main advantages of JEF are as follows:
- Simple to use: JEF enables you to: define the configuration for your plugins, provide the classes to call, execute the job, and then deploy it in a microservice.
- Scalable: JEF can grow horizontally (any number of service executing jobs) or vertically (developers can add new job executor services if required).
- Increases Dalet Flex options: you can add new actions and resources dynamically, support multiple versions of actions and resources simultaneously, and decouple action and resource releases from versions in Enterprise.
- Open and flexible: you can deploy the architecture on-premise, in the cloud, or in a combination of the two. For example, you could have a cloud media platform with local job execution and resources.
Where to Start
Please consult JEF Getting Started, JEF Operations, Executing Jobs Using Flex Objects, Job Execution Framework (JEF), Action Executor, JEF: Implementing Executor Services
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