Dalet is excited to present the release of Dalet Flex 2022.5.0. Dalet Flex 2022.5.0 is an LTS (Long Term Supported) release track and will receive both critical bug fix updates and security updates until it reaches end-of-life.
This release of Dalet Flex provides the new features, quality and security enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes listed below.
Dalet Flex New Features
Support for growing/live sources for FSP jobs (new from 2022.5.8)
From version 2022.5.8 of the 2022.5.x LTS, FlexStreamProcessor supports identifying growing/live sources for job types performed by FSP. The fields growing and outputTimestamp have been added to the job result and information is returned per job. A consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/disableGrowingSupport has been added, when set to true, the system reverts to legacy behavior. An additional Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/enableLegacyTimestampsAsStrings to revert to legacy behaviour of API returning timestamps as string instead of integer values has also been added.
NOTE: For earlier version of the LTS, support for growing/live sources is NOT supported and you MUST set the above Consul KVs.
Changes to semantics in VFS affect Copy/Move API with API behavior (new from 2022.5.8)
JEF Copy/Move: Changes to semantics in VFS mean that any scripted actions making use of FFP API to perform copy/move may be affected if the source location is a folder. In this case the FFP job will now move/copy the source folder (including the folder itself and not just its contents) to the target. To ensure just the contents of the folder are moved/copied, the source VFS location should include the property includesRegex: ".*" . Further details on this change to the semantics for copy/move are outlined here:
AmberFin plugin supports importing files from a subpath (new from 2022.5.5)
The Launch Job Amberfin plugin now supports importing files with subpath from the AmberFin output result. AmberFin output files with a subpath under the basepath as configured in the Output Storage Resource field in the plugin will be imported in Dalet Flex as Managed asset. This is supported both for S3 and FILE protocol.
Move Workspace supports UDOs (new from 2022.5.5)
The Move Workspace plugin now supports UDOs in addition to assets.
Conflict prevention for updating metadata instances (New from 2022.5.1)
Asset and UDO metadata instance conflict prevention has been added to SDK metadata manipulation performed in FlexCORE or using scripts. When two users (or processes) update the same metadata instance simultaneously (any fields), if the metadata instance has been updated and a second user (process) overwrites the first change, the system detects this, fails the update and informs the user that a conflict has occurred. To support conflict prevention when changes are made to the same metadata instance using API calls, the revision header must be added to the update request. NOTE: Metadata instance update conflict detection has not been added to FlexMAM.
Change in availability of storage/folder resource based on visibility when configuring inbox/folder resources (New from 2022.5.1)
The availability of Hot folders, CDN Resources, Unmanaged Resources, Storage & Folder resources referenced in configuration screens has changed and is now more limited. These resource types are available in the drop down lists when configuring inbox/folder resources based on the explicitly selected visibility of the resource. Upwards visibility of resources is still supported.
This limitation is supported in all object configuration screens where folders or storage resources are referenced, such as inboxes, folders, actions etc.
Selected account Visibility for the Hot folders, CDN Resources, Unmanaged Resources, Storage & Folder resource | Availability for use in configuration screens that reference Hot folders, CDN Resources, Unmanaged Resources, Storage & Folder resources on master account | Availability for use in configuration screens that reference Hot folders, CDN Resources, Unmanaged Resources, Storage & Folder resources on child account | Availability for use in configuration screens that reference Hot folders, CDN Resources, Unmanaged Resources, Storage & Folder resources on sub-account |
Master Account | √ | X | X |
Child Account | √ | √ | X |
Sub-account | √ | √ | √ |
Master Account & Child Account | √ | √ | X |
Master Account & Sub-account | √ | √ | √ |
Child Account and Sub-account | √ | √ | √ |
Master Account, Child Account & Sub-account | √ | √ | √ |
NOTE: All resources are displayed in the Resources List page in all accounts regardless of their visibility.
Support for external IDs on Thesaurus terms
Support for external IDs on thesaurus terms has been added. The field is a simple string field and it is optional. The field can be updated from external systems as part of a workflow or manually in Metadata Designer.
Impact of plugin upgrades – Review workflows
Multiple plugins have been updated for 2022.5.0 LTS release to these versions:
- Transcode (FSP) 3.5
- Create Proxy (FSP) 2.5
- Demux 2.3
- Segmented Proxy 4.0
- Composition Proxy 4.1
- Extract Keyframe 3.1
These plugins now implicitly extract technical metadata without the need for an additional job as part of the workflow. It is recommended to review any workflows that include an extract technical metadata action after Transcode/Create Proxy/Extract Keyframe action to ensure that there is no redundant extract tech metadata action in the workflow.
Technical Metadata Versioning
A `version` attribute has been added to the technical metadata of Flex assets. This will identify how the technical metadata for each asset should be interpreted.
Current versions:
- Indicates changes to support drop-frame (DF) and non-drop frame (NDF) fractional timecodes e.g. 29.97/59.94
- Indicates changes to use rational number based fractional frame rates i.e. (frame rate * 1000)/1001
- Indicates the addition of a new field in the technical metadata: `formatContext.dropFrame` (true/false)
- Indicates changes of new mapping rules for `format.startTime`, `format.startTimecode`, `stream.startTime`, `stream.startTimecode`, and added `formatContext.startTimecode`
Upgrade Flex Enterprise to Java 11
Multiple issues have been implemented to upgrade Flex Enterprise to use Java 11.
Support for dynamically repackaging Flex HLS to an MPEG DASH proxy
Dalet Flex supports a single proxy per asset. To support different operating systems and streaming environments, at runtime it is now possible to request dynamic repackaging of a Flex HLS package to deliver either a Flex HLS or an MPEG DASH proxy. Currently this works for single video and multiple audio stream HLS proxies produced by Flex.
From 2022.5.5 Dalet Flex supports dynamic repackaging of ABR multi-video stream Flex HLS proxies to MPEG DASH as well as single video streams and multi audio streams.
FlexMAM New Features
Support setting account preferences for format of video duration in FlexADMIN (New from 2022.5.3)
Option added in FlexADMIN > Application Settings > Global Settings to set the preferred display format for video durations: frames or milliseconds (default setting). The duration format is applied in:
- Asset table view
- Tile view
- Asset technical metadata tab
Search performance in Flex Core improved (New from 2022.5.3)
A new consul KV,flex/enterprise/search/limitCreatedDays
to set a default search cap on the Created Date field has been introduced. This limits the number of records being searched and improves search performance in Flex Core. Set the KV as follows:
- If consul KV > 0, the Created from Date is automatically selected in the search query based on
current date – KV value
- If consul KV ≤ 0, no search cap is applied and you can manually add the Created From Date in the search query
The default value of the KV is -1 and there is no change in the behavior.
Improvements in Keyframe management and display (New from 2022.5.2)
Additional improvements have been made in Keyframe management and display:
- Sort keyframes by ascending/descending timecode on the Keyframe tab in the Summary Panel/Manage Page.
- Display keyframes in an animated dynamic Carousel at the bottom of the Keyframes details page
UDO access sharing
Access sharing permissions can now be applied to Flex User Defined Objects (UDO). This allows you to share a UDO to users who are not already members of the UDO’s workspace. Sharing can be done on the top-level UDO from the FlexMAM user interface and will apply to the entire hierarchy of the UDO (i.e., the parent UDO and all its nested child UDOs). Sharing can also only be applied to UDOs which are configured as Workspace Supported in the Core UI. UDOs can be shared from the FlexMAM (Access tab) and from the Groovy SDK and REST API.
FlexXTEND: Import Flex comments to Premiere as markers
As part of the continuing development of the FlexXTEND panel in Adobe Premiere, asset import to Premiere now contains the comments made in FlexREVIEW and FlexMAM (previously only review comments were imported). Additionally, any update or delete of a comment on the Flex side will be reflected in the media markers on the Premiere side.
Note: max 500 comments / markers per asset will be sync'd to Adobe Premiere.
Duration in FlexMAM is displayed as HH:mm:ss.SSS
Duration in FlexMAM is now represented as Time instead of as TIMECODE, so it is represented in this format HH:mm:ss.SSS(hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds). The Duration field is displayed in this way in all relevant locations in FlexMAM.
NOTE: The change in the Duration format was also applied to markers. Markers should be displayed as Timecode and this issue will be addressed in a future release.
Enhancements DaletFlex
- FlexMAM to show image proxy with correct orientation.
- Added new endpoints to the jobexecutionmanager service to help support JEF-related diagnostics.
- Add validations to ensure that assets ingested incorrectly to the wrong storage location do not to cause all assets in the folder to be removed on Purge.
- Added PixelFormat and thus bit per sample as listed enum field strings.
- Added a common prefix to all name identifiers of entries in the `apps` section of Permissions, and added FlexXTEND.
- Add support for MessageTemplate and TimedAction services to JEF SDK
- Support output profile with interlacing e.g. convert progressive to interlace or change field order to support mixed source conversion for stitch and sequence jobs.
- Create proxy of image while preserving exif orientation when performing an image transcode.
- Stop keyframe image conversion in Enterprise regardless of image format when retrieving keyframes with API call.
- Stop keyframe image conversion in Enterprise regardless of image format when retrieving keyframes with API call.
- FFmpeg buffer size is now configured via consul and the env var. Use flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/ffmpegNetworkReadBufferSizeMegabytes to set the size of read buffers for network sources (non-image sequence sources) and use flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/ffmpegNetworkShortSeekSizeMegabytes to set the size of seek up to which the current network response will be streamed rather than creating a new byte range offset request in FFmpeg and FMPE.
- FlexStreamProcessor supports the Keda (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling) external push-scaler service to trigger job scaling directly.
- Added support for a new non-scaled WORKER instance deployment type for use with CONTROLLER instances.
- Update waveform migration script to support migrating waveforms stored on S3. The core purpose of the migration script is to migrate the waveform files which were generated with the consul KV waveformNewLocation disabled to the new location where KV waveformNewLocation key is enabled. Additional information is available at here.
- Add support to signal workflow manually if it is stuck and not moving to next node using new API endpoint.
- Added validation in the Purge plugin to fail a purge job if it tries to delete any directory which is configured as a storage resource root location.
- Augment tar/untar support for zip/gzip and also contents listing. Change tar/untar job type to pack/unpack and add new list job type.
- FEATURE: Add support for packetCount property returned in assetInfoExtract jobs. Specify the property by setting enablePacketCountExtraction=true in the job spec or by default with the Consul KV set flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/enableDefaultExtractPacketCounts=true.
- Add support for a timecode overlay property to be wrapped at 24 hrs and begin recounting from 00:00:00:00. Set the Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/enableDefaultTimecodeOverlayWrap24Hours to true and restart FlexStreamProcessor. Alternatively add wrap24Hours: true within the timecodeOverlay portion of the job request.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where Incorrect format size and bitrate reported for HLS packages in extract asset info.
- Timed Action: Fixed an issue where a system error message was displayed while saving sub view page after editing.
- Fixed an issue with the Workspace plugin backward compatibility.
- Fixed an issue with AS02 assets where the stream count value was not correctly displayed in the format context field under Technical Metadata.
- Incorrect visual output for stitch acceptance test caused by incorrect pixel format value being used in ffmpeg video filter expressions.
- Changed the JAE executionStep thread pool (size 1) as the default pool for executing different schedulers of the plugin and JAE core. This change created a common/default thread pool size based on the number of available @schedule methods. Also added KV flex/flex-jobasyncexecutor-service/job/bufferThreadSize to add a buffer thread only if needed, default 0.
- Fixed an issue where metadata values with the single quotation mark character did not appear in FlexMAM.
To prevent the overwriting of existing output files, standardized the checking of existing output locations for all job types.
NOTE: It is not possible to re-run jobs in Flex which cause overwriting of existing locations. If the Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/disableExistingOutputCheck is set to true then it will be possible to overwrite existing outputs on object stores (GCS, Azure, S3) but not on local filesystem.
By default, if an output location specified in a job already exists, the job will be failed. However, if the Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/overwriteExistingOutputLocations is set to true, then the job will overwrite the existing output location. This is only possible for remote VFS locations. Local VFS locations will always fail if the output location already exists.
- Fixed an issue where the metadata instance type ahead UI is broken for fields with multiplicity supported variables.
- Fixed an issue where the Sync Workflow Limit task did not remove the limits from the Redis when the limit was removed from the Workflow Definition.
- Fixed an issue where RioBroker Restore Plugin is stripping Off Top Level '/' path when setting Asset Current Path causing restore to fail due to an incorrect path.
- Fixed an issue of noisy error logs in Event Handler service due to enum mismatch.
- Fixed an issue with Events Handlers requests hitting the Events API before the corresponding event has been fully created, resulting in a false error. Fixed by adding retried to the Get Events API /api/events/<eventId>, by default at 0, 1.5, 4.5 seconds, but can include also attempts at 10.5, 22.5, 46.5 seconds. The configuration KV is flex/flex-events-service/getEvent/maxAttempts and can be set to any integer 1-6, default 3.
- Fixed an issue where JEF copy/move Failed when moving Segmented asset. Issue fixed by including the package name in the destination vfs location.
- Fixed an issue where deleting a single external ID via the legacy SDK with Groovy script deletes all of the external IDs.
- Fixed an issue to ensure backwards compatibility for FFP restore jobs after restoreTier property renamed to restorePriority.
- Fixed an issue where FO objectsid endpoint returns inconsistent results.
- Fixed an issue where creating a composition proxy on Flex CPL assets which have the same trackId for audio/video/subtitle sequences was creating proxies with incorrect durations. Issue fixed by creating a single sequence for the same trackId by consolidating all the clips with the same trackId.
- Fixed an issue where FFP job pods running in EKS do not terminate upon completion of a job and prevent EKS scaling down when there are no jobs to be executed.
- Fixed an issue where Task dashboard shows incorrect number of tasks for users that have more then one role (via user group membership).
- Fixed an issue where Proxy Creation Failed with FFMPEG. Issue fixed by improving the pixel aspect ration conversion.
- [JEF SDK]: Fixed an issue with JEF where a RedisTimeoutException: Unable to acquire subscription lock after 9500ms error appeared.
- Fixed an issue where the JEF script jobs paused for minutes while running.
- Added support for BMP files in Flex MOVE.
- Fixed an issue where there were distorted proxies for EXR frames packages. Issue fixed by adding unimplemented code to ffmpeg to handle larger VLC lookup code sizes.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to parse and save a date/time field in collection metadata.
- Added missing fields in the format and video stream information for R3D file: Format: Bitrate; Video Stream: Codec, Width, Height, Display Aspect Ratio, Pixel Aspect Ratio.
- Updates to Job Scheduler and to Workflow Scheduler to prevent jobs not being moved to running state in a specific scenario.
- Fixed an issue where waveforms are not visible in the FlexMAM UI for both waveformNewLocation settings: true and false and this error message is displayed: Unable to get location for asset audio waveform id.
- Fixed an issue where Copy and Move Action from Azure to Azure location was failing for AS02, IMP, Segmented (HLS), Segmented (MPD) Assets.
- Fixed an issue where Purge action is failing for all Package assets. Issue fixed by updating resource root validation check to consider filename when comparing asset location with storage resource root location.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where metadata value is not displayed for Timecode Field and key value fields in FlexMAM although it is displayed in Flex Core.
- Player: Fixed an issue where the tooltip is not visible when the player is in full screen mode.
- Fixed an issue where preloading was disabled for AS02 and package assets.
- Fixed an issue so that DateTime Fields (Start Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time and Created Date in metadata and marker display template use the timezone setting for the user.
- Fixed an issue where Codec H264 technical metadata was not retrieved when used in a search filter because the filter display name was H264 instead of H.264.
- Fixed an issue where the content of a sequence Group Asset is not displayed in FlexMAM but is displayed in FlexCORE.
- Fixed an issue where "Progressive" Interlace format is not listed in search filter Technical > Interlace Format.
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.7 and 2022.5.8
flex_blackpearl_service | flex_eventhandler_service | flex_events_service | flex_fastobject_service |
flex_fileprocessor_service | flex_job | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_jobexecutionmanager |
flex_login_app | flex_master | flex_metadata_service | flex_streamprocessor_service |
flex_webtransfer_app | flex_fmpadmin_app | flex_globalheader_app | flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where Flex SDK was not fetching taxon data by adding a method to the SDK.
- Add ability to associate variantId without metadataDefinitionEntityId to a collection.
- Set default pixel format for MPEG2 video to be YUV422.
- Updated the definition structure for the xdcam preset so that sequences using the xdcam preset do not fail.
- Implement technical metadata extraction for Red files using redline in Flex Stream Processor.
- Ensured gather sub-jobs are scheduled with high priority to prevent starvation by new chunks from other parent jobs scheduled at the same time.
- Add source stream count check to conform job validation.
- Disabled MP3 source file output truncation detection as the source duration is estimated from the file size.
- Provided a Consul KV, flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/enableLegacyImageOverlayLocation, to enable the legacy image overlay which bases location on the source instead of target frame size. As this is an unwanted behavior, only use this where reconfiguring image overlays is impossible.
- Improve the Hotfolder performance: LTS backporting. JEF HotFolder: Improve the Hotfolder performance to optimize scans per iteration. The implementation supports multiple threads at the second level of the hot folder path and allows scanning multiple files even when patterns match. These features can be enabled/disabled based on consul KV.
- Force invalid DF timecodes to NDF on 30fps video. Add a Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/disableForceDropToNonDropTimecodeForNonDropFrameRate (default=false) to disable this behavior for legacy compatibility
- Increase Kue queue shutdown timeout to 1 second by default. Add a Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/queueShutdownTimeoutSeconds to make this configurable.
- Add Improvements to job node support in Flex Stream Processor.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where Flex Master was unable to connect to Redis following outage. Redis connectivity is now included as part of the readiness check. Readiness and Liveness check added to Job Scheduler. If Readiness and/or Liveness check fails then Job Scheduler will not process new jobs until both these checks Okay.
- Fixed an issue in the Hazelcast connectivity check where flex-master and flex-job services were unable to reconnect to Hazelcast following outage without doing a restart.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to clear (set to null) non-editable metadata fields via a script.
- Upgrade log statements in Flex Stream Processor.
- Fixed an issue with audio stream mapping issues when performing chunked transcode to package formats.
- Fixed an issue with Audio stream sync when performing chunked transcodes. A new default chunk mode, MIXED, has been introduced.
- Fixed an issue where old instances of UDOs are no longer editable and throw an error in Flex CORE UI if their UDOT has been updated after they were created and subsequently had a metadata definition assigned to it. Issue fixed by assigning a default metadata instance to the old UDOs when they are loaded instead of throwing an error.
- Fixed an issue where Customreviewstatus fields are returned in a random order in different review sessions.
- Fixed an issue where UDO icons and user profile images are uploaded even when the validations fail for the image size.
- Fixed an issue where Customreviewstatus fields are returned in a random order when using API calls.
- Fixed an issue where AS02 Asset API response has missing fields in FormatContext, AudioStreamContext and VideoStreamContext.
- Fixed an issue where system metadata was updated on a restart of JAE and possibly causing a reindex, for no apparent reason. Issue fixed by synching the revision numbers of system metadata definitions in Json files with those generated by Enterprise.
- Fixed an issue where AS02 proxy creation was failing for a because of a non-integer sample aspect ratio for specific J2K in MXF files.
- Fixed an issue where extract keyframes failed if the target folder resource is a root folder that does not have a path defined for it. Issue fixed by adding logic to ensure makePath is not called for an undefined path if the path is the root path.
- Fixed the efficiency for extracting keyfames on long files depending on whether keyframes are extracted at small or large time intervals.
- Pre-signed URLs are not recreated when concurrently executing spawned processes.
- Fixed an issue in FlexMAM where a user only sees tasks in the default workspace. Issue fixed by searching all workspaces available to the user for the specified object type.
- Added a retry loop before failing Fex Stream Processor jobs to improve issue where transcode jobs were hanging.
- Fixed an issue where Extract Keyframes action on PicAudio was throwing this error: Both path and name were undefined!. Issue resolved by adding logic to ensure that the root folder scenario does not cause an issue.
- Fixed an issue where AS02 proxy creation was failing for a because of a non-integer sample aspect ratio for specific J2K in MXF files.
- AS02 proxy creation fails with nullPointerException
- Task Definition: Fixed an issue where updating a metadata field using a task definition in Enterprise and FlexMAM was not working. Issue cause because there is a new metadata instance with no revision. Fix made receiving the revision information optional.
Fixed an issue where Enterprise API returns an invalid framerate for IMP Asset's proxy in VideoStreamContext [+ other frameRate float conversion revisions]. Practically incorrect maths (due to incorrect data types) was returning incorrect values from the framerate field of CPL assets.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where automatic logout was not forced after specified inacticvity interval had been reached.
- Fixed an issue where search filtering on Technical Metadata for Interlace Format is Top Field First/Bottom Field First was not returning the correct results.
- Fixed an issue where the UDO icon is not visible in FlexMAM but is visible in Flex Core.
- Fixed an issue where user is unable to set a new variant for a collection from the Details tab. The Save button remains disabled.
- Fixed an issue where the current Date filter does not match the calendar because of discrepancies between the local timezone and the user timezone.
- Fixed an issue where the timestamping variable sent when a wizard is launched on a clip is different depending on whether the wizard is launched from Asset Results/Summary Panel/Manage Page.
- Fixed an issue where Bulk assets selected are not persisted in session storage so they are not displayed in search results if the user navigates to the manage page of an asset from bulk asset page and then clicks back to search.
- Fixed an issue where timecode format for DF and NDF formats is displayed incorrectly. NDF should be hh:mm:ss:ff, DF should be hh:mm:ss;ff and no drop frame indication (24/25, 23.976) should be hh:mm:ss:ff.
- Fixed a CORS issue in FlexMAM that blocks accessing forms in differet domains to retrieve taxonomies options. Issue solved by using a relative path to the form to access the options.
- Fixed an issue where the Confirm delete collection pop up is hidden behind the Settings dialog.
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.6 and 2022.5.7
flex_blackpearl_service | flex_blackpearl_service | flex_blackpearl_service | flex_blackpearl_service |
flex_job | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_master | flex_publishindexer_service |
flex_sequencemanifest | flex_streamprocessor_service | flex_videoproxy_service | flex_panels_app |
flex_globalheader_app | flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- To improve response times, annotations and updates to annotations are now indexed individually, rather than reindexing all annotations for a given asset.
- Allow LDAP user lookup to match on email address, as an alternative to username to support LDAP login with the same user if IdP login is not available.
- Add support to fetch Job and Workflow dashboard summary counts from SQL (by default) in Data Aggregation. Use a feature toggle Consul KV flex/flex-dataaggregation-service/aggregationDataSource to fallback to REDIS.
- Improvements to Wizard Run Rule Expression Evaluation. Improved performance for fetching wizards in the API and UI when there are a large number of wizards configured. Noticeable slow-downs came after about 50 wizards.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an Error thrown when trying to START the HotFolder Resource.
- When Elasticsearch is under load, add retry on Search operations if Elasticsearch returns a 429 error and return 429 if retry still fails instead of failing the search without retrying.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to save a metadata annotation with a date field.
- Permission and workspace evaluation for groups with a large number of users was affecting performance. To solve this, Authorisation Service was updated to perform pagination when requesting data (e.g. groups) from Enterprise or FastObject APIs.
- Fixed an issue with the Facebook Publish action where the title and description of an asset were not published as these parameters were not passed in the final Facebook publish call.
- Fixed an issue with the IndexElastic which originated from the Tag service.
- Fixed an issue where deleted annotations (usually in bulk delete) would sometimes leave orphaned entries in Elasticsearch.
- Fixed an issue where APIvfsLocation reconciliation was not working properly so create proxy actions were failing because the proxy file was not copied to the correct destination folder.
- Fixed an issue where the Custom review status in the Finish Review dialog are returned in a random and inconsistent order. After the fix, they always appear in the same position.
- Fixed an issue with acceptance of JAR file names in JEF scripting actions by relaxing naming validation.
- Fixed an issue with the Flex Tag REST service where a missing check for Edit permissions resulted in unauthorized users with Read only rights being able to assign tags to Flex objects.
- Fixed an issue where the failure of cancelling a single workflow prevented the cancellation of all other workflows being cancelled in bulk.
- Fixed an issue where timecode markers had different values in the timeline marker panel and in the Markers view in the summary panel. Issue caused because FormatContext in indexelastic is missing the preferredStartTimecode field, impacting how timecodes are rendered in the Markers view of FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where assets are moved to UNMANAGED when its associated Storage Resource is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where a JEF SDK metadata command caused the time field to update with incorrect times as the different time zone was not respected.
- Fixed an issue where a Null pointer exception is thrown when converting searched udo to json
- Fixed a broken endpoint /api/images/{imageId}/raw that was throwing an NPE.
- Fixed an issue where Enterprise delegating to SearchElastic erroneously sets the workspaceId when none has been specified and this prevents users from seeing ACL shared assets.
- Fixed an issue where unknown asset type is considered as a Media Asset instead of falling back to import action configuration.
- Fixed an issue where proxy assets were not playing properly. Issue caused by a file size caching issue when package assets did not have unique names for media files in the package. Fixed by basing cache on the full path.
- Fixed an issue where the Jobs summary panel displayed wrong values.
- Fixed an issue where the Workflow dashboard was not up to date by Data Aggregation reading counts from SQL.
- Fixed an issue where PSD & AI wrongly inferred as media asset in import action.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Added the ability to show audio waveform for media with a single audio stream.
- Pagination control – Display, Set number of items, Navigate between pages
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where when starting a wizard on a clip or marker time range, the IN time would be set to 00:00:00:00 instead of the correct In time.
- Fixed an issue where BitRate in Video Stream Information was different in Enterprise and in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue with the Jump 10 Minute Forward command in the Player, where if the remaining media duration was shorter than 10 minutes, the playhead would not jump to the end of the timeline, as expected.
- Fixed an issue where reloading FlexMAM lost the focus on the selected UDO asset.
- Fixed an issue in the Flex Admin app, where the duration format set under Application Settings > Global Settings was not applied to the Duration metadata fields in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue in the Flex Admin app, where the Default Date format set under Application Settings > Global Settings was not applied to the Created and Modified metadata fields in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where no duration was displayed for Spanned media assets in the search result.
- FlexMAM: Add timezone support to the history tab.
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.5 and 2022.5.6
flex_authentication_service | flex_authorisation_service | flex_dataaggregation_service | flex_indexelastic_service |
flex_job | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_master | flex_searchelastic_service |
flex_streamprocessor_service | flex_tag_service | flex_videoproxy_service | flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Image Proxy Service: Allow access to secured endpoint via a valid signed Bearer Access token passed in the Authorization header.
- Added a new field, Video Frame Rate, under the Media Transcode Profile Configuration, which shows the parent source frame rate, allowing that value to be overwritten in cases of error in the original asset.
- The Workflow designer will now list any number of existing action (previously limited to 1000), will not display disabled actions, and the list of displayed actions is now sorted alphabetically.
- Video Codec support for DVVIDEO, H264 and H265 added to Dalet Flex. These codecs are extracted by the Extract Metadata plugin and displayed in the UI.
- JEF Plugin timeout resilience: Multiple tickets implemented to improve JEF performance for jobs running in ExecutionStep or Executor state and timing out.
- FastObject: Improve retrieving annotation metadata tag fields by caching tag names retrieved from Tag service.
- Add new allowed file type to uploader: .m2t, .mpeg, .m4a
- Added the ability to set a Consul KV to disable the legacy behavior that added a system prefix to input/output files using a VFS location using a Local File system. By default the Consul KV, flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/enableLegacySysFolders is set to true and legacy behavior is retained. To override System Folder code paths, set the Consul KV to false.
- Update expiry-date of restore object to allow multiple restore request on already restored files.
- Added support for chunk-based parallel processing for stitch jobs.
- Multiple tickets implemented to support new PUT assets fileInformation functionalities and changes in the Vantage/Amberfin plugin.
- Improve media profile API to support subtitle, timecode and image overlays by Flex Stream Processor.
- To improve backwards compatibility following HLS and DASH support, which changed video file naming to include additional information, if there is only one output video stream in a package, the old video file naming (e.g., XYZ.mp4, XYZ.m3u8) is used.
- Added transcoding support for raw MP3 format output.
- Improve stitch throughput for chunk stitching to prevent a bottle neck caused by a logic error in the FMPE pipeline that caused unnecessary decode, re-sample and re-encode of audio streams.
- Simplified the launching of workflows regarding account workspace membership for improved behavior.
- Add support to fetch Job, Workflow dashboard summary counts from SQL (by default) in Data Aggregation. Use a feature toggle Consul KV flex/flex-dataaggregation-service/aggregationDataSource to fallback to REDIS.
- Support Consul KV customisation of default chunking configuration using this Consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/chunkDefaults.
- Added Consul KV, flex-enterprise/featureToggles/returnOriginalKeyframeImage, to support downloading original keyframe images instead of converting the images to a .png file before download.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue with the Flex Media Processing Engine to allow a complex sequence scenario with audio channel mixing.
- Fixed an issue where a JEF Move action failed to move a media asset to a file mounted storage.
- Fixed an issue where errors were sent when Flex File Processor Service was polling a filename that had already been deleted and was not available.
- Fixed an issue where importing a workflow that had been exported from Flex was failing in with a null error.
- Fixed an issue where UDO object metadata field does not respect workspaces. Switch Account & Workspace permissions must be disabled to support this fix, otherwise all UDOs in all workspaces are visible.
- Fixed an issue in Web Uploader where the checkbox status was not displayed correctly in a metadata form. This issue is due to the color of the default theme.
- FQL: Fixed an issue where queries containing the field=NULL operator do not work correctly if a metadata field with the same name exists in more then one metadata definition. Issue fixed by updating the FQL query generated for a NULL query to use AND instead of OR if there is multi-field-mapping.
- Support renaming multiple files on a disc that are part of a spanned media assets and not just the asset record itself.
- Fixed intermittent NullPointerException in Flex Resources caused by startup issues in the backend service.
- Fixed an issue where keyframes that had been manually extracted were not loading in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where the sorting order was not always preserved when multiple Sort criteria were imposed. The order of multiple sort builders should now take place only within a single Sort criterion.
- Fixed an issue where the YouTube publish action stopped working. Issue fixed by upgrading the Google api client version and the YouTube api version so they are compatible. Also fixed an issue where YouTube was not working after the YouTube publish action failed because an incorrect token was generated.
- Fixed an issue where the Enterprise API search did not perform correctly when the createdFrom and createdTo criteria have been set. Issue fixed by ensuring that these fields are considered when generating FQL for the query.
- Fixed an issue in IndexElastic where under load (e.g. full reindex where a number of assets have >10k annotations) communication to FastObject breaks down and renders indexing ineffective.
- Fixed an issue where the Create Proxy job failed with a Conversion failed error by adding logic to better handle sample formats from different AAC codecs.
- SearchElastic: Fixed an issue where GraphQLSuggestions API was displaying this error `Expected type 'Int' but was 'Long'` by correctly mapping Elasticsearch mapping fields having long data type with Long type in GraphQL schema fields.
- Fixed an issue where any update to a workflow definition reset the concurrent workflow limit to zero for that workflow definition.
- Fixed an issue where the User Settings Service rejected requests when account names contained dashes (-), even though dashes are not part of the forbidden characters group. Updated User Settings Service to use same special character rules for account names as Enterprise.
- Fixed an issue where events were not updated with the current user when changing a taxonomy or taxon.
- Fixed an issue where scripted jobs were blocking the processing queue. Issue fixed by improving JEF processes to allow script jobs to last longer without triggering a timeout.
- When multi-sorting in FlexMAM, the result is not sorted correctly.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Clip duration in ClipBin in FlexMAM respects the Video Duration Format set in FlexADMIN> Application Management > Global Settings.
- FQL: Change made in the behavior for the search filter conditions: IS/IS NOT. If the IS/IS NOT condition is used in the filter, if there is a space in the query, the string is not split into separate tokens in FQL, for example fql = > name=“hello world” instead of fql = > name=hello name=world.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where the Type column in the Search results is very wide by setting a fixed width.
- Fixed an issue where the “clip created” notification was not displayed when creating a clip from the Player in the Manage page.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to remove an asset from a Group using Remove from Group Asset using the remove button on the Relationships > Memberships tab.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to see the Collection Type field when creating a collection from Clip Bin. The type field has been added in the Save ClipBin as dialog. It is also possible to edit the Type of a Collection from its Details tab in the Summary panel.
- Fixed an issue where the Language metadata was not displayed in technical metadata tab in FlexMAM eventhough it was displayed in Core and can be retrieved via API. Flex now supports 3 letter language code mappings in addition to 2 letter language code mappings.
- Fixed an issue where the backslash character ('\') caused suggestions to fail in FlexMAM. Fixed by appending an additional backslash to escape the character.
- Fixed an issue where an update to the ‘Expires On’ field of a user in User Management failed to save.
- Fixed an issue where while saving a created sequence the "save as sequence" popup window the loader icon is displayed and the save does not seem to complete successfully even though it has.
- Add entity info to the elastic search model for suggestions so that the correct icon is displayed next to assets displayed in the Suggested Assets list.
- Fixed an issue where the subtitle selection and the playback speed dropdown were not displayed properly when using the Player in full screen mode.
- When adding an asset to a group, it is not possible to delete the object from the membership tab.
- [FMP]: Fixed an issue where certain audio files cannot be played on FlexMAM.
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.4 and 2022.5.5
flex_assettransfer_service | flex_fastobject_service | flex_fileprocessor_service | flex_hotfolder_service |
flex_indexelastic_service | flex_job | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_master |
flex_metadata_service | flex_searchelastic_service | flex_sequencemanifest_service | flex_streamprocessor_service |
flex_videoproxy_service | flex_webtransfer_app | flex_workflowdesigner_app | flex_workflowdesigner_app |
flex_fmp_app | flex_fmpadmin_app | flex_search_app | flex_usersettings_service |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Added SDK method to get asset syndication.
- Fixed an issue with the Indexelastic service not being able to index assets due to nested_objects limit in ElasticSearch, and reporting the error
Request execution cancelled
. A new Consul KV has been added,flex/flex-indexelastic-service/elasticsearch/nestedObjectsLimit
, to configure the maximum number of nested objects (default of 10000). - Support stitching AVC codecs with same profile and level but different constraints by adding a logic to use the least constrained set of constraints for AVC1 codec specifications if only the constraint values are different.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Added SDK method to get asset syndication.
- Timed Action: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete a timed action that had been cancelled/completed. Issue fixed by checking that the job status is completed/cancelled and if it is not performing a cancel Job process before performing the delete.
- Fixed an issue where there was an endless loop in ffmpeg transcode when using source clipping and outputting subtitles to DASH. The problem was caused because ffmpeg does not correctly decode EIA_608/708 captions and was solved by filtering these captions from the source.
- Fixed an issue where the list of metadata definitions available for a Type in Metadata Designer was limited to 100 and not all the available definitions were displayed.
- Fixed an issue where an error is displayed when creating a JEF HTTP message action.
- Fixed an issue where a Pre-populated “From” value for Created Date in an Advanced Asset search could not be cleared without first manually specifying a value in the date picker. A Clear button, X , has been added to the Date picker field.
- If both format and videoStream startTimecode are null, default to 0 preferredStartTime.
- Fixed an issue where audio packets were not being sized correctly within audio channel splitter and this was causing transcodes to fail because Flex Stream Processor was reporting the wrong duration.
- Fixed an issue where stitching source assets with differing color ranges was failing with the error
differing color_range on streamconsolidate inputs
. The issue was fixed by specifying default colorspace values for stitch/sequence inputs and safer handling of undefined values. - Fixed an STL parsing error where input strings were not being trimmed and this error was thrown
Error with job: SubtitleException: Error during parsing STL file: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: " 17"
The problem was caused by whitespace in the header and was solved by trimming any strings being converted to integers. - Fixed an issue where using the format defined in the metadata definition to set a date/time metadata field using the Set Metadata plugin was causing a validation error. To ensure backwards compatibility, the fix converts the date to ISO8601 format if the supplied format is incorrect.
- FQL: Fixed an issue where queries containing the
operator do not work correctly if a metadata field with the same name exists in more then one metadata definition. Issue fixed by updating the FQL query generated for a NULL query to use AND instead of OR if there is multi-field-mapping. - Fixed an issue where for Enterprise search generating FQL: “No Variant” in UI or
in API is not handled properly. Issue fixed by sendingvariant Id = NULL
instead ofvariantID = 0
in the generated FQL. - Enterprise Search API: Fixed issues with application of
filters which were returning incorrect results when searching for assets while filtering with a metadata definition without specifying values for fields in the definition. Issue fixed by always sending the definitionId in the FQL query. - Fixed an issue where jobs that were modifying the same UDO from different workflow instances were failing even though a locking mechanism was applied in the JEF action script.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Add support for launching a wizard on clip-range so that the timestampIn and timestampOut variables are set dynamically when the wizard is launched on a clip.
- Timecode type metadata fields inside a complex field with no multiplicity are persisted correctly.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where loading saved search does not display the value saved in the global header search bar even though the search results are correct and reflect this value. Issue fixed by adding communication between search and the global header app.
- Fixed an issue where a collection was not being created because the variant did not have a metadata schema associated to it. To prevent creating a collection failing, the variant Id is not sent to the collection service if no metadata schema is defined for the collection.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to save a sequence that is created in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where audio tracks were unsynced when pausing and jumping through a video
- Fixed an issue where setting only the TCIn for a marker, FlexMAM was automatically adding a TCOut that is a frame greater than the actual end point of the video.
- Fixed UI issues where the last filter chip in the Search Filters chip bar was overlapping the Add Filter.
- FlexMAM Metadata : Fixed an issue where it was not possible to save metadata for an asset from FlexMAM when basic variables were added (no complex fields and no multiplicity).
- Fixed an issue where metadata values are not persisted in FlexMAM when a complex field has multiplicity 1 and a timecode field has multiplicity none.
- Fixed an issue where metadata values are not persisted in FlexMAM when a complex field and timecode field have multiplicity set as 1.
- Fixed an issue where metadata values are not persisted in FlexMAM when a complex field has multiplicity none and timecode has multiplicity set as 1.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add a Timecode type metadata field as a filter in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add/delete fields that are set with multiplicity 0…*
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.3 and 2022.5.4
flex_collection_service | flex_executionconfiguration_service | flex_fileprocessor_service | flex_filereplication_service |
flex_filescan_service | flex_forms_service | flex_imageproxy_service | flex_indexelastic_service |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_jobexecutionmanager_service | flex_master | flex_metadatadesigner_app |
flex_searchelastic_service | flex_secrets_service | flex_sequencemanifest_service | flex_streamprocessor_service |
flex_tag_service | flex_taxonomy_service | flex_thesaurus_service | flex_videoproxy_service |
flex_fmp_app | flex_fmpadmin_app | flex_globalheader_app | flex_search_app |
flex_usersettings_service |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Vantage plugin returns: Output name(s) + Vantage job id in workflow context variable.
- Amberfin plugin returns Output name(s) + Amberfin job id in workflow context variable.
- Assets in a CPL imported with UUID as a member name.
- If both format and videoStream startTimecode are null, default to 0 preferredStartTime.
- Add support for custom statuses when creating session reviews using REST API and JEF SDK.
- Allow stream based chunked transcode of package based proxies. This improves efficiency of transcode of sources with many audio streams by outputting separate full streams.
- Improved security when accessing or downloading keyframes.
- Add caching headers for images downloaded by Flex Enterprise to /images/icons endpoints in Enterprise.
- Enterprise search performance improved by adding a Consul KV to set a default search cap based on Created Date.
- To improve the performance of workflow and job searches in Flex Enterprise the Position field can be removed from the Workflow Advanced Search screen. For backwards compatibility, the
consul KV has been created. Set the KV to false to remove the Position field in the GUI.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to clear metadata values added to markers. The problem was solved by updating the Enterprise API and updating the flex_metadata_service_version.
- There was an issue that a user could not edit a metadata instance that they have rights for because they did not have edit rights to a different multi-option variable instance in the Metadata Definition (that they were not editing). Fixed the issue that was caused by incorrect handling of permissions for empty values in the schema.
- When an Import Action is performed with this configuration: SourceFile >Source>SourceResource Item Name, with Item Name containing a subpath (e.g.: /a/b/c/file.ext), the file is imported successfully but the file is not accessible in Flex. A consul KV
has been added with default as true. Set this to false to import the asset as Unmanaged Asset with the file accessible in Flex in this particular configuration. - Fixed an issue where there was an error when trying to generate the Checksum and Extract Technical Info on a file that has space in its path. Issue fixed by preventing the trimming of path and name fields when submitting jobs to FSP and FPP.
- Fixed an issue where job priority is not respected if a quota is applied to a resource and a job is set to pending because the quota is full.
- Fixed an issue where the running stage of a workflow was not displayed in workflow summary screen.
- Fixed an issue where Sequence editor was not generating a preview correctly.
- Fixed an issue where this error was thrown by DB pruner when pruning a batch size of 1000
Error 1406: Data too long for column 'jobsDeleted' at row XXXXX
. The error occurs when the total length of the stored procedure output, enumerating all the jobs that have just been pruned, exceeds 65535 characters (the length of a TEXT value). To overcome this limitation the column type for DB pruning temporary column was updated to MEDIUMTEXT. - DB pruner: To improve performance to prevent slowness when loading modules in Flex Core, changes made to DB Pruner to allow users to modify settings to allow more aggressive running during a maintenance window without impacting other DB users. Possible to configure ‘maxOperationTime’ and the limit on “you’ve run again too soon” is twice the ‘pauseDuration’ instead of being hardcoded at 2 minutes.
- Fixed an issue where the Export Edit plugin (using /dependencies) failed for sequences containing clip assets from different workspaces. The export now succeeds because the plugin skips filtering by workspace when retrieving the dependencies of assets in a sequence.
- DB Pruner: Issues were noted with the uncontrolled database growth as a result of the automatic scale-back mechanism, updates were made to the automatic scale-back mechanism of DB Pruner to prevent a complete loss of pruning.
- DB Pruner: Improved the logic for performing pruning job based records to solve an issue where performance of PruneCompletedStandaloneJobs SP is abnormally slow compared to PruneCompletedWorkflowsWithJobs.
- STL Fixed an issue where subtitle parsing was failing for accented characters. Support added for diacritical characters in Latin-based languages. Accents on non-Latin alphabets are not supported and this error is displayed
CCT (language code) not supported in current version. Only supported Latin
. - Fixed an issue where a Move action fails with error TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘endsWith’) because the host name was not specified in the target bucket location.
- Fixed an issue in FlexSDKClient where the wrong parameter was passed in WorkflowAPiQuery.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Support for setting account preference in FlexADMIN to display video durations in frames or milliseconds.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where the wizard drop down list was closing when the scroll bar was released so it was not possible to select a wizard to run.
- Fixed an issue where the chip filter modal was not showing when searching for a timecode type metadata entry in an advanced search query.
- Fixed an issue where Sequence editor page ‘Home’ and ‘End’ keyboard hotkeys are not working properly.
- Fixed an issue where audio sometimes plays muted in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where the wizard drop down was not being displayed properly.
- Fix issues in the French translations in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where the password reset button was not displayed in the User Profile panel in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip displaying the dragging/hovering-current timecode of the Player playhead was not clearly visible in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where when making changes in the user profile information, the name, address and mail textboxes turned white and were unreadable.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong timecode was being displayed in the Start Timecode field in the Technical Metadata tab even though the correct Start Timecode was displayed in the Player.
- Fixed an issue where taxonomy metadata fields were not behaving as expected and selected values were not being saved.
- Fixed an issue where metadata in complex fields nested in other complex fields was not displayed in FlexMAM whilst it was displayed in Flex Core.
- Fixed an issue where you could not add more than one instance of a complex field with multiplicity defined for it.
- Fixed an issue where selecting a standalone wizard does not open the dialog window with the panel to trigger the wizard.
- Fixed an issue where by default it is not possible to search using the Type filter more than once in a query with different operators. For example, by default you cannot set this filter: Type=Media Asset AND Type!= Placeholder.
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.2 and 2022.5.3
flex_db_pruner | flex_fileprocessor_service | flex_indexelastic_service | flex_job |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_jobengine_service | flex_master | flex_metadata_service |
flex_streamprocessor_service | flex_fmpadmin_app | flex_globalheader_app | flex_search_app |
flex_usersettings_service |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Added a new field, Video Frame Rate, under the Media Transcode Profile Configuration, which shows the parent source frame rate, allowing that value to be overwritten in cases of error in the original asset.
- Updated the mapping duration from FSP to prevent Extract Technical Metadata plugin setting a media duration in asset metadata that is shorter by 1 microsecond than the actual duration of the asset.
- Added an optional Width field in gridConfiguration with a minimum positive value of 1, to fix the width of columns in a FlexMAM table. If set, any manual changes to the width of a column in FlexMAM will not be saved on a template load.
- Additional endpoint added to retrieve the entityInfo of an asset associated to a UDO.
- Hotfolder - Support importing and moving large files between S3 -Azure and Azure – S3.
- Allow legacy SDK scripts to call tv.nativ.mio.api.services.WorkspaceServiceImpl.getGroupMembers().
- Support for channelSplit on output audio profile for stitch, sequence and transcode jobs added. Improved support for handling unknown audio channel layouts across stitch, sequence and transcode jobs added.
- New Job State added to Flex Enterprise: Submitted – indicates a job has been delegated to a processor service but is not yet being run.
- Available variant list for an object is displayed based on the object account visibility and not based on the account the list is being accessed in. For example, if master user creates a user for an account, the available variant list for the new user is displayed as per object account visibility and not as per master account visibility.
- To ensure that the job quota counters in Redis are synched correctly with the Database and do not get stuck, the time interval between each instance of the timer task SyncJobLimitTimerTask has been reduced.
- As part of the improvement to workflow scheduling, transactions are not started before the workflow scheduling task can be executed.
- As part of the improvement to workflow scheduling, added an new index, MIO_WORKFLOW.
- Retry of jobs with assetInfo failing for all Transcode plugins with a 500 Internal Server Error instead of an internal serialization issue.
- Fixed an issue where preferredDropFrame and preferredStartTime could end up sourcing data from different format context or video stream respectively, Flex first resolves the preferredStartTimecodePolicy then that selects the preferredStartTimecode and from the timecode the dropFrame is taken to set preferredDropFrame.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where the default chunk processing was not applied due to “image sequence duration cannot be calculated” when the framerate input is forced.
- VideoStream FSP.timecode null, 29.97f currently defaults to DF, however if FormatContext has timecode as DF Feature toggle created to support legacy behavior that 23.97 and 59.94 were considered drop frame (videoStreamDropFrameNullIfNoTimecodeEnabled: default to true).
- Fixed an issue where users were not disabled after multiple failed logins.
- Fixed an issue where a video output stream sequence job was failing due to an ordering issue when stitching multiple package format source streams so that a transcode and extract operation performs correctly.
- Fixed an issue where job scheduler was not checking resource availability for jobs correctly because of errors in the resource check cache. This was resulting in unresponsive jobs that were remaining in a Pending state.
- Fixed an issue where Followed notifications in an Event Handler was not sending email notifications.
- To prevent NullPointerExceptions in Enterprise Consul lookup, if a KV has a blank value, the default KV value is used.
- Event accountId is used for filtering visible Event Handlers instead of ownerId. This prevents errors if a particular user is deleted from the system.
- There was an issue that a user could not edit a metadata instance that they have rights for because they did not have edit rights to a different multi-option variable instance in the Metadata Definition (that they were not editing). Fixed the issue that was caused by incorrect handling of permissions for empty values in the schema.
- Missing taxon methods TaxonAPIQuery added to legacy SDK
- Fixed an issue where child assets of an archived asset could not be imported. Fixed by removing a check to verify that a parent asset was not archived.
- Fixed an issue where there was an error when trying to generate the Checksum and Extract Technical Info on a file that has space in its path. Issue fixed by preventing the trimming of path and name fields when submitting jobs to FSP and FPP.
- Default value of Consul KV
changed fromfalse
so by default FSP extracts keyframes to sharded locations based on file name. - [Fix for releases up to and including 2022.8.0] New external user creation retrieves all existing workspace members and then adds the new user to the workspace by sending it together with the list of existing members. This prevents existing members being removed whilst the new member is added to the workspace.
- Fixed an issue where hotfolders keep failing and recovering by optimizing the caching algorithm in the fastobject service.
- Fixed an issue where job priority is no respected if a quota is applied to a resource and a job is set to pending because the quota is full.
- Fixed an issue where Elastic Search was displaying custom markers that have been deleted in FlexMAM. The issue was fixed by enabling a retry if the Elastic Search API throws a conflict response exception.
- Fixed an issue importing an asset with a date metadata field fails with an error
- Fixed an issue where pending workflows are not processed even though the queue is empty.
- GXF is listed as a supported format in Flex. This issue addresses this the fact that in practice, clipping GXF assets was failing when using a different profile/codec instead of COPY codec and all stitch actions were failing./clipping of GXF assets failing.
- Fixed an issue in Legacy SDK that could not to invoke disallowed method: class tv.nativ.mio.api.services.WorkspaceServiceImpl.updateGroupMembers
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Player in FlexMAM uses the preferredDropFrame property as resolved by Flex Core when displaying the timecode.
- Minimum width of 50 px set for table columns. Non-fixed width columns can all be resized to the same minimum size of 50 px.
- Possibility to set a default column width in the Edit Templates configuration dialog.
- Improvements in the Keyframes tab. Keyframes are displayed in a Carousel on the Keyframes details page.
- Incorrect French translations corrected.
- KV to override default value of 10 minutes for the player jump hotkeys added.
- Marker durations in the Custom Markers tab and in the Marker Search Result table are displayed :/;ff rather than ms.
- Sort keyframes by ascending/descending timecode on the Keyframe tab in the SummaryPanel/Manage Page.
- Start time as well as start timecode is displayed in the technical metadata tab in FlexMAM.
- Support for detecting conflicts from simultaneous updates of metadata instances. Conflicts are detected in all forms in FlexMAM: Summary, Manage, Admin and the Global Header in the Task panel.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where the wrong icon type was displayed for audio assets associated to a UDO.
- Fixed an issue where a template name in capital letters was automatically changed to the same name in lowercase. The issue was fixed by populating the Template Name field with the gridDisplayName instead of the gridName.
- Search from the metadata tab in the Manage page is not supported so the magnifying glass has been removed from the metadata tab in the Manage page.
- Fixed an issue where the thesaurus field did not show “use” relationships.
- Fixed an issue where using hot keys to control video playout was conflicting with default browser hotkey behavior. The issue was solved by disabling the default browser behavior when using the hotkey shortcuts Right/Left Arrow and Shift + Right/Left Arrow.
- Fixed an issue where the vertical scroll bar is not returning to the top of the page after changing the listing page, for example when clicking reload or performing a search query.
- Fixed an issue where Saved Searches containing Date/Time fields are not reloaded from My Searches.
- Fixed an issue where when performing bulk edit metadata, existing values of complex child variables that are not modified are overwritten instead of merged.
- Fixed in issue in FlexMAM where the playhead in the player did not jump to 00:00:00:00 when selecting a custom marker with timecode zero.
- Fixed an issue where saving templates using the Manage template screen caused the template to load indefinitely.
- Fixed an issue where an image asset could not be previewed in the Manage page.
- Fixed an issue where preview switches between audio tracks throughout the asset preview instead of playing the audio tracks simultaneously.
- Fixed an issue where the Custom Marker summary page displayed incorrect timecodes for some Custom Marker Templates.
- Fixed an issue where playing a custom marker selection did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where you cannot search using Variant because FlexMAM did not load values.
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.1 and 2022.5.2
2022.5.1 | 2022.5.2 |
flex_authentication_service_version: 15.0.27 | flex_authentication_service_version: |
flex_eventhandler_service_version: 2.7.4 | flex_eventhandler_service_version: |
flex_fastobject_service_version: | flex_fastobject_service_version: |
flex_forms_service_version: 2.0.25 | flex_forms_service_version: |
flex_hotfolder_service_version: | flex_hotfolder_service_version: |
flex_indexelastic_service_version: 13.15.1 | flex_indexelastic_service_version: |
flex_job_version: 2022.5.1 | flex_job_version: 2022.5.2 |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: |
flex_master_version: 2022.5.1 | flex_master_version: 2022.5.2 |
flex_metadata_service_version: | flex_metadata_service_version: |
flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.1.10 | flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.7.0 |
flex_fmp_app_version: 4.2.59 | flex_fmp_app_version: |
flex_fmpadmin_app_version: 1.0.157 | flex_fmpadmin_app_version: |
flex_globalheader_app_version: | flex_globalheader_app_version: |
flex_search_app_version: 4.0.439.10 | flex_search_app_version: 4.0.439.36 |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Storage and folder resources created in the master account and without visibility in the child account are not visible in child accounts when creating folder and inbox resources. They can still be seen in the main Resources table in the child account.
- Images, such as keyframes, are now rendered using the browser’s preferred efficient image format
- Revised the way VFSLocation paths are fetched from the FlexResourceApiFacade cache to ensure that the correct path is received.
- Flex Enterprise Core application now detects and notifies the users if an asset or UDO metadata is being updated by two different users at the same time. The later attempt fails, and an error message is displayed.
- The Extract Technical Metadata plugin now supports Alibaba Cloud storage.
- Add metadata revision support to asset and UDO metadata REST API. The metadata instance revision is returned as an HTTP header when running a GET command.
- Asset and UDO metadata instance conflict prevention added to SDK metadata manipulation performed in FlexCORE or using scripts.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed in an issue where a Baton Resource is in a failed State and cannot restart
- Reverted an unintended code change which caused a ”System Error” message in the Flex Core UI when attempting to create an event handler of type: ”Job Executor V2”
- When editing the details of a Timed Action, it was not possible to save the changes due to this error: “Mandatory “Interval” field is missing”. The issue was solved by adding a hidden input field to pass the interval value whilst updating the JEF Timed Script.
- A bug in B2B REST API did not return the correct values for fileSize and compressionLevel. To solve this, ImageContext fileSize and compressionLevel changes have been backported to 2021.12.5
- Fixed an issue where In/Out timestamps on WebVTT subtitles, converted from TTML, were reading as frames instead of milliseconds.
- Fixed an issue where In/Out timestamps on SRT subtitles, converted from TTML, were reading as frames instead of milliseconds.
- Fix applied to solve the issue that JEF TimedAction did not supporting expression resolution: 2021.12.x + 2021.5.x
- Fixed an issue where a user that does not have permissions for a workspace but does have ACL access to assets that are children in a UDO could not see the assets. The issue was fixed by the system checking ACL permissions when a user does not have workspace permissions.
- Saving a metadata field of type “Asset” failed when the referenced asset was not located in the user’s default workspace. Flex now considers all of the user’s workspace memberships when saving these fields.
- Fixed an issue where Extract Technical Metadata plugin is setting a media duration in asset metadata that is shorter by 1 microsecond than the actual duration of the asset
- Fixed issue where transcoding jobs hang indefinitely because of lost connection to AWS S3 storage
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to extract technical metadata from a subtitle asset and use the information to convert the subtitle to another format
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Hotkeys added: HOME to jump to the start of media/sequence and END to jump to the end of media/sequence. The hotkeys are available for the player in Summary Panel, Manage Page and Sequence Editor.
- Minimum width of 50 px set for table columns. Non-fixed width columns can all be resized to the same minimum size of 50 px.
- Improvements made in spacing when tags and taxonomy values are displayed in tables to reduce empty space and maximize displayed information
- Improved design for the In & Out indication when creating a new Custom Marker
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Improved the asset timeline progress bar to be more responsive when dragging with the mouse
- Fixed an issue where the drag and drop of assets from one collection to another failed with error “Validation Failed”
- Fixed an error where changes to metadata applied using Bulk Edit Metadata were not being saved properly
- Fixed an issue where a bulk edit of metadata overwrites non-editable (read only) fields in complex fields, changing values of variables which should not have been modified
- Fixed an issue where the “magnifying glass” search field did not return results when searching a Boolean field value.
- Fixed an issue where FQL ambiguity in the Taxonomy group caused the return of unpredictable results when filtering assets
List of Services upgraded between 2022.5.0 (LTS) and 2022.5.1
2022.5.0 (LTS) | 2022.5.1 |
hz_version: 1.1.8 | hz_version: 1.2.5 |
flex_nginx_proxy_version: 0.4.20 | flex_nginx_proxy_version: 0.4.23 |
flex_events_service_version: 7.3.26 | flex_events_service_version: |
flex_hotfolder_service_version: 3.5.0 | flex_hotfolder_service_version: |
flex_imageproxy_service_version: 5.2.83 | flex_imageproxy_service_version: 5.3.11 |
flex_job_version: 2022.5.0 | flex_job_version: 2022.5.1 |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: 8.1.44 | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: |
flex_master_version: 2022.5.0 | flex_master_version: 2022.5.1 |
flex_metadatamerge_service_version: 5.3.29 | flex_metadatamerge_service_version: |
flex_metadata_service_version: 8.0.10 | flex_metadata_service_version: |
flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.1.7 | flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.1.10 |
flex_globalheader_app_version: 3.2.133 | flex_globalheader_app_version: |
flex_search_app_version: 4.0.439.1 | flex_search_app_version: 4.0.439.10 |
flex_usersettings_service_version: 1.7.53 | flex_usersettings_service_version: |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Support for External ID for Thesaurus Terms
- When the KV `directFspTimecodeMappingAndNewStartTimecodeDefinition` is set to true, the AssetContext version is set to version 3. When a new asset is created, format.startTimecode will be used everywhere instead of startTime * 100000 for formatContext.startTimecode.
- Added the ability to add video tracks content to the FCP.xml created from a Flex Sequence
- Use asset current filename instead of asset name in asset info
- Added the Storage Selector Policies configuration option in Flex Core, which maps different storage resources in jobs, according to the account properties.
- Import Edit asset not associating object to job if 'no placeholder' is used
- Fixed issue where camera card spanned media failed to import
- Added new property "gopStartTimecode" to API VideoStreamContext
- Additional information added to the API response when retrieving information from assets so that the correct asset type is retrieved to display the correct icon for the asset type
- To improve the mechanism for watching jobs in case of a restart, different KVs implemented for running/queued/timed out job thresholds. In addition, a configurable initial delay KV for starting the watcher has been added together with a configurable KV for the periodic interval the watcher runs at.
- Flex Enterprise REST API: A new endpoint to suppport adding keyframes in bulk
- A dropFrame boolean type field has been added in FormatContext in Enterprise API
- FlexXTEND: added the ability to switch enviroments (URLS) on extention startup or login failure. In rare cases, an extention restart is required to change the enviroment if the login page does not respond.
- LaunchWorkflow wizard shows variables when workflows fail
- Account level fmpConfig setting of "previewSourceImage" has been added in flex-usersettings-service to support the FlexADMIN app setting to configure whether to load a parent image or a proxy version of the image Admin app setting to load parent image or proxy. Default value for previewSourceImage is true.
- Fixed an issue where Create Proxy action was failing because of a change in an attribute name in the downstream FSP request. Issue fixed by updating the same attribute at the plugin end.
- To support the metering of cloud egress costs, the Publish to Brightcove action augments the PUBLISHED event with the size of the published asset in bytes
- Flex Core History tab now shows all events, regradless of the user's assigned workspaces
- Improved support for Variants in Search and Suggestions
- HotFolder: remove dependency from externallock library (or remove participation on listener queue)
- preferredDropFrame in FormatContext with dynamic resolution from preferredStartTimecode policy resolved
- Fixed an issue where the concurrent limit for workflows and actions was not observed when retrying a failed job
- Fixed issue where running Export Package action on spanned media only exports the first file
- Workflows will now always trigger the next job after a job is completed, if configured, solving any deadlock issues
- Asset Publish V2 action: CDN resource is expression enabled
- Image Sequence/AS02/CPLAsset/Sequence package assets support `startTimecodeSelectorPolicy` value if specified in KV. If no KV is specified the default value `FormatWithVideoStreamFallback` is used
- Visibility_updated event added in Enterprise flex-event-service. Displayed in the History tab.
- Transcode and package job result information is no longer included in API response
- Visibility_updated event added in Enterprise flex-event-service. Displayed in the History tab.
- Do not show variants created in another account in the master acount metadata designer
- Migrate Retryable updateByQuery logic from indexElastic to flex-elasticsearch-library
- Fixed issue creating a taxonomy using Configuration Manager (FlexCM)
- Event Handler Service: Support system property expressions in Event Handler expression configurations
- Perform large metadata migration
- Mediacore library has now fully replaced MimeType as the SDK tool used for technical metadata extraction
- FlexXTEND: disabled the Load button when no environment is selected
- FlexXTEND: better visalization of of sub fields in Group Settings
- Enterprise Master Account variants tab should not display variants created in other accounts that do not have visibility on the master account
- FlexXTEND: import Flex comments to Premiere as markers
- Fixed issue where API call to GET keyframes failed due to bad metadata in TIMECODE_ field
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Resolved a bug in ffmpeg that was causing frames proxy creation jobs to fail. FSP updated.
- Fixed an issue where FSP was creating an incorrect signed URL when running an extract keyframe job with a specific job template using a VFS file type. FSP updated.
- Fixed an issue where AWS credentials expire due to the wrong refresh bahvior, causing jobs to fail
- Fixed an issue where keyframe extract was taking a long time
- Fixed an issue where DPX images were wrongly identified as a YUV format
- Fixed an issue where the concurrent jobs limit, set on workflows and actions, is not respected upon retry of failed jobs, resulting in more concurrent jobs than allowed
- Users without a single permission can access the "Metadata Designer" and edit/delete tags/taxonomies. Fixed by user needing Account edit permission & Act as permission to access tags, thesaurus and taxonomy.
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to see workflow string variables in the workflow panel due to an unnecessary permission restriction
- Fixed an issue where restore from cloud archive jobs fail due to missing executionStepData that was not previously stored.
- Fixed an issue where the Search API returned the wrong results when the offset is used and greater than the totalCount
- Fixed an issue where some object permissions for a user were omitted albeit inherited via the groups role
- Fixed an issue where API calls were not returning the complete list of items
- Fixed an issuer where users Users could access the Metadata Designer without proper access rights. Now users must have the Account Edit and Act As permissions to edit and delete tags, thesauruses and taxonomies
- Fixed issue where publish API returns UNKNOWN codec information
- Fixed issue where Baton QC Plugin was sending malformed xml request
- Fixed issue where logo appeared too large in header
- Fixed issue where account workspace disappears after fter accessing job or workflows of another workspace
- Fixed issue where asset view link is missing under Worflows & Jobs tab
- Fixed issue where Summary panel does not show details for child UDOs of shared UDO
- Fixed issue where user cannot create child UDO under a shared parent UDO
- Fixed issue where system error message is generated when creating a Timed Action in Flex Enterprise
- Fixed issue where Resume button was visible for for completed tasks
- Fixed issue where extracting keyframes was taking extended period of time
- Fixed issue where AAF files were failing to import
- Fixed an issue where deleted issues were not being displayed in the Search results. Issue fixed by adding a condition that if “deleted” is present in the FDL query, the default “only non-deleted” filter is not applied by ElasticSearch
- Flex Core UI: When displaying events, Flex Core ignores the user's workspcae to solve a problem where the Asset History tab was not displaying all events from different workspaces
- Fixed an issue where importing a file to an asset (placeholder), reset the creation date of the asset instead of just updating the Date Modified field
- Asset Publish V2 job fails because of date value, eventhough there are no date fields in config. Issue was resolved after code changes in flex-publisherindexer-service
Fixed an issue in FlexMAM where auto fill/typing in a tag field did not work if ampersands were used in tag names. Ampersands in tag names are ow supported.
- Fixed an issue where Web uploader was not triggering a workflow for an Inbox configured with Group visibility as opposed to Account visibility
- Fixed an issue where logging out from the FlexXTEND Panel via the Save Project screen resulted in a URL error
- Fixed an issue where the second layer of taxonomies did not appear in the wizard and the FlexXTEND Adobe Panel due to a fetch problem
- Fixed an issue in the FlexXTEND panel where moving from the Preview tab to the Save Project tab and back again, redirected to the Import screen instead of Preview screen. After the fix, users are redirected correctly, with the video loaded and paused in the Preview tab.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the configuration of a CDN Storage Resource with an HTTPS read protocol
- Fixed an issue where the entire list of plugins appears while editing a JEF resource, instead of just the relevant one
- Fixed issue where user was unable to switch workspaces.
- Fixed issue where creating a sequence resulted in an error
- Fixed an issue where child UDOs of a shared parent UDO are not visible
- Fixed issue where import workflow fails after importing media via web-transfer when use FILE protocol
- Fixed issue where user is unable to modify metadata for complex variable
- Fixed issue where account workspace disappears after fter accessing job or workflows of another workspace
- Fixed an issue where jobs are running without failing or doing anything for a long time
- Validation has been added to the `preferredStartTimecodePolicy` KV in Consul
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Change fullscreen player background colour so it easier to determine if there are black bars if they are part of the video or they have been added by to the UI in CSS
- To create markers of a specifc type, hotkeys for adding markers have been created in the Manage Page.
- Add an Admin app setting to configure whether to load a parent image or a proxy version of the image
- Add the ability to scroll down the list of custom markers when there are too many markers in the list to be displayed on the Manage page
- Admin app improvements to add enable/disable labels on the UserManagement, ApplicationManagement and AccountManagement screens. Disable and delete hover menu for user, groups and workspaces removed.
- The fmpVisible flag is now used for suggestions and regular search results
- Added German language support to the Web Transfer application
- Added support for Camera card and Spanned clips asset types
- Added future date options to search panel
- MP3 files can now be played without a child proxy
- Media duration now displayed as 'time' instead of 'timecode' in Technical Metadata panel
- Mouse behavior has been improved in the Select Template menu
- Column search and sort settings in the Markers tab will be remembered in later sessions
- Use a generic summary panel for unrecognised objects
- Web transfer app (FlexMOVE) changed to a dark theme
- ACL Tab added to support sharing UDO assets to users that are not members of the UDO workspace
- References to deprecated API endpoints removed from MAM
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue with pageination on the Keyframe tab. It was indicating results on a Previous page even when there was no previous page.
- The selected keyframe is no longer reset whe a keyframe is deleted from the Summary tab. This fixed an issue where the Keyframe tab went blank when a keyframe was deleted from the summary panel.
- Global Settings options not displayed in single account mode
- Fixed an issue where markers were not jumping to their corresponding TC when asset has starttimecode and decoupleStartTimecodeEnabled is false. An offset is added from thelisting page without taking the decoupling setting onto consideration
- In FlexMAM clicking the Wizard icon in the Bulk Assets page, opened the wizard menu in the summary panel. Issue fixed by fixing the styles so that all Wizard menus open in the correct position.
- Fixed an issue where values in the Details tab of the Manage page are missing
- Fixed an issue where the Manage ACL tab was not visible for UDO even though the user has the correct Manage ACL permisisons
- Audio assets do not start playback as expected when clicking the Play button once. Issue was fixed by fixing the logic for audio playback.
- Fixed an issue where the My Task section was impacted by actions by other users. The fix made sure that updates made by users other than the current user are isolated from the current users My Task section.
- Fixed an issue where the list in the Relationships page was not displayed properly because of an issue with extra space around the table when the player is open in the Summary panel
- FlexMAM scroll bars were difficult to click and drag. Fixed the issue by increasing the z-index on the x scroll bar.
- TimestampIn and TimestampOut variables can only be passed to wizards that are triggered using the Player wizard magic wand
- The pagination bar backgound color was synced
- Fixed an issue where clicking on a Camera card asset from the membership tab loaded an empty collection instead of loading the Summary panel and members of the Camera Card asset. Fixed by adding objectType to the Membership Tab data for Group and Package assets.
- Correct icons for Camera Card and Spanned Media assets was added in mam-common so that the correct icons are displayed in the Membership tab of these assets
- Type dropdown was blank for a Camera Card assetopened in the Manage Page. Fixed by defining which asset types are specified for a Camera Card asset.
- Fixed an issue where an audio asset is playing in Audio Player but the slider does not move. Issue fixed by removing the reliance on requestVideoFrameCallback in Audio Player.
- It is not possible to export more than 500 search results to a CSV file. To support this behavior, "Export to Search" link remains disabled if the user types a value greater than 500 in the Export results field
- Fixed an issue in the function call that meant that searching for assets using the Search Bar in the Manage Page returns opened the Search Results page but did not display search results
- Fixed an issue where export to CSV created a file with an incorrect filename that did not include the window.location.host for the environment
- Fixed an issue where the arrow icon in interface did not change as expected when clicking to expand/collapse an asset
- Fixed an issue where the Import Action configuration fields were not properly populated when the job was created from create FlexMAM
- Fixed an error where setting an account default language for a user resulted in an error
- Fixed an issue where a mandatory thesaurus field ignored entered values, disabled metadata saving
- Fixed an issue where the Manage Page of an asset failed to refresh on keyframe extraction due to a pooling process
- Fixed an issue where tab selection retention is not persistent when switching between the Search and the Manage Page of a selected asset
- Fixed an issue where setting the Master keyframe is not updated when changing view (list/tile) without a refresh
- Removed the "Run..." actions menu from UDOs since they don't support running jobs
- Fixed an issue where tooltips were dispalyed immediatly upon hover, without the appropriate delay - Fixed an issue where associated metadata was not available in a Sub account on the Account Management page in the Flex Admin app
- Fixed an Issue where sorting markers in the markers tab in the Default Marker Template was not applied
- Fixed an issue where after a bulk edit of metadata, values of complex child variables were overwritten instead of merged
List of Services upgraded between 2022.3.0 and 2022.5.0 (LTS)
Dalet Flex
2022.3.0 | 2022.5.0 |
redis_version: 0.3.0 | redis_version: 0.3.2 |
redis_sentinel_version: 0.3.0 | redis_sentinel_version: 0.3.1 |
flex_admin_app_version: 4.3.1 | flex_admin_app_version: 4.3.4 |
flex_assettransfer_service_version: 1.8.0 | flex_assettransfer_service_version: 1.8.15 |
flex_authentication_service_version: 15.0.0 | flex_authentication_service_version: 15.0.27 |
flex_authorisation_service_version: 8.2.25 | flex_authorisation_service_version: 8.2.48 |
flex_blackpearl_service_version: 3.3.4 | flex_blackpearl_service_version: 3.3.27 |
flex_cm_version: 4.1.36 | |
flex_collection_service_version: 6.9.33 | flex_collection_service_version: 6.9.52 |
flex_dataaggregation_service_version: 2.17.2 | flex_dataaggregation_service_version: 2.18.23 |
flex_db_pruner_version: 3.2.11 | flex_db_pruner_version: 3.2.12 |
flex_divarchive_service_version: 4.4.4 | flex_divarchive_service_version: 4.4.28 |
flex_eventhandler_service_version: 2.4.2 | flex_eventhandler_service_version: 2.7.4 |
flex_events_service_version: 7.3.3 | flex_events_service_version: 7.3.26 |
flex_executionconfiguration_service_version: 2.4.64 | flex_executionconfiguration_service_version: 2.4.83 |
flex_fastobject_service_version: | flex_fastobject_service_version: |
flex_fileprocessor_service_version: 1.3.65 | flex_fileprocessor_service_version: 1.3.88 |
flex_filereplication_service_version: 1.2.52 | flex_filereplication_service_version: 1.2.67 |
flex_filescan_service_version: 1.1.57 | flex_filescan_service_version: 1.1.75 |
flex_forms_service_version: 2.0.8 | flex_forms_service_version: 2.0.25 |
flex_hotfolder_service_version: 3.4.17 | flex_hotfolder_service_version: 3.5.0 |
flex_imageproxy_service_version: 5.2.62 | flex_imageproxy_service_version: 5.2.83 |
flex_indexelastic_service_version: 13.11.3 | flex_indexelastic_service_version: 13.15.1 |
flex_job_version: 2022.3.0 | flex_job_version: 2022.5.0 |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: 8.1.44 |
flex_jobengine_service_version: 5.3.2 | flex_jobengine_service_version: 5.3.20 |
flex_jobexecutionmanager_service_version: 3.1.61 | flex_jobexecutionmanager_service_version: 3.1.79 |
flex_jobremoteengine_service_version: 3.3.1 | flex_jobremoteengine_service_version: 3.3.23 |
flex_login_app_version: 5.12.6 | flex_login_app_version: 5.15.6 |
flex_master_version: 2022.3.0 | flex_master_version: 2022.5.0 |
flex_metadatadesigner_app_version: 5.4.3 | flex_metadatadesigner_app_version: 5.4.25 |
flex_metadatamerge_service_version: 5.3.9 | flex_metadatamerge_service_version: 5.3.29 |
flex_metadata_service_version: | flex_metadata_service_version: 8.0.10 |
lex_publish_service_version: 13.6.1 | flex_publish_service_version: |
flex_publishindexer_service_version: 6.6.1 | flex_publishindexer_service_version: 6.8.4 |
flex_registry_service_version: 6.3.3 | flex_registry_service_version: 6.3.22 |
flex_replicationgateway_service_version: 4.3.21 | flex_replicationgateway_service_version: 4.4.9 |
flex_reviewer_app_version: 5.5.5 | flex_reviewer_app_version: 5.6.12 |
flex_searchelastic_service_version: | flex_searchelastic_service_version: 14.11.8 |
flex_secrets_service_version: 4.1.55 | flex_secrets_service_version: 4.1.74 |
flex_sequencemanifest_service_version: 0.2.26 | flex_sequencemanifest_service_version: 0.2.45 |
flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.0.5 | flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.1.0 |
flex_taxonomy_service_version: 4.0.27 | flex_taxonomy_service_version: 4.0.47 |
flex_thesaurus_service_version: 3.5.14 | flex_thesaurus_service_version: 3.5.25 |
flex_videoproxy_service_version: 1.2.57 | flex_videoproxy_service_version: 1.2.78 |
flex_webtransfer_app_version: 10.4.17 | flex_webtransfer_app_version: 10.4.31 |
flex_workflowdesigner_app_version: 9.3.4 | flex_workflowdesigner_app_version: 9.4.1 |
flex_writeobject_service_version: 5.4.1 | flex_writeobject_service_version: 5.5.11 |
flex_operationsdashboard_app_version: 3.2.18 | flex_operationsdashboard_app_version: 3.3.22 |
flex_panels_app_version: 5.2.22 | flex_panels_app_version: 5.3.20 |
flex_xtendadobepanel_app_version: 1.3.2 | flex_xtendadobepanel_app_version: 1.3.36 |
flex_xtendamepanel_app_version: 1.2.24 | flex_xtendamepanel_app_version: 1.3.26 |
2022.3.0 | 2022.5.0 |
flex_fmp_app_version: 4.2.58 | flex_fmp_app_version: 4.2.59 |
flex_fmpadmin_app_version: 1.0.138 | flex_fmpadmin_app_version: 1.0.157 |
flex_globalheader_app_version: 3.2.123 | flex_globalheader_app_version: 3.2.133 |
flex_search_app_version: 4.0.394.2 | flex_search_app_version: 4.0.439.1 |
flex_usersettings_service_version: 1.7.33 | flex_usersettings_service_version: 1.7.53 |
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