Performance Analysis of Logs (PAL) Tool is a powerful tool that reads in a predefined Performance Counters log, and then analyzes it using known thresholds to produce a very readable report. This document will demonstrate how to set up PAL's Data Collector Set template on the SQL Server active node.
What Is PAL?
This document will demonstrate how to set up PAL's Data Collector Set template on the SQL Server active node. The template itself is an XML file that can be provided by TEC.
1. Step by step setup:
1.1. Get the correct Data Collector Set template from TEC.
1.3. Adjust the Data Collector Set's and the log's properties.
2. Step by step collection:
2.2. Collect the Data Collector Set .blg file.
2.4. Re-start the PAL Data Collector Set.
Step by step setup
Get the correct Data Collector Set template from TEC
Contact Dalet TEC and provide them with a General Diagnostics report in order to receive the correct PAL Data Collector Set template.
Set up the Data Collector Set template on the SQL Server's active node's Performance Monitor
On the active SQL Server node, open the Windows Run dialogue (from the Start Menu or Win+R) and enter "perfmon.exe". This will open the built-in Performance Monitor tool.
Expand 'Data Collector Sets' -> Right-click on 'User Defined' -> Click on 'New' -> 'Data Collector Set'.
Name your data collector set and choose 'Create from a template (Recommended)'.
Don't choose a preset data collector set, but rather click on 'Browse' and browse to the PAL *.xml you've created.
Click on the PAL collector set and then click 'Next'.
Select the designated storage folder. It doesn't have to be on the default location, but it's usually good enough.
Select the user to run the collector set as (usually '<Default>' is good enough), then choose 'Open properties for this data collector set' and click 'Finish'.
Adjust the Data Collector Set's and the log's properties
In the Properties of the collector set we only need to set the stop condition, so click on the 'Stop Condition' tab -> Check the 'Maximum Size' and set a desired size (in MB). 3000MB is usually enough to cover 4-6 days.
Click on the newly create PAL collector set -> Right-click on the collector set data file -> Click on 'Properties'.
Set the log file name. We recommend using the customer's name here. Then, in the 'Log mode' section, check 'Overwrite' and 'Circular (requires a non-zero maximum file size)'.
Start PAL collector set
Right-click on the PAL collector set -> Click on 'Start'.
Step by step collection
Stop the PAL Data Collector Set
Expand 'Data Collector Sets' -> Click on 'User Defined' -> Right-click on the PAL collector set -> 'Stop'.
Collect the Data Collector Set *.blg file
Click on the PAL collector set. Note the location of the 'Output' column.
Open the location in Windows Explorer.
Zip the collected *.blg file
You might get a warning saying that Windows cannot create the zip in this folder (due to security restrictions).
Either choose 'Yes' to create the .zip on the desktop, or choose 'No' and then copy the .blg file to a temporary location and then zip it.
Re-start the PAL Data Collector Set
Right-click on the PAL collector set -> Click on 'Start'.
PAL Process Video
Follow the link to play the video about PAL process: Video PAL process.
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