Dalet is excited to present the release of Dalet Flex 2023.8.0.
This release of Dalet Flex provides the new features, quality and security enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes listed below.
Dalet Flex
New Features
Rendering Dalet Cut Projects in Dalet Flex
You can render Dalet Cut projects in Dalet Flex to create media files using the Conform plugin added to the Transcode plugin type. This action has these additional options:
- Render as proxy. The generated media file will be added as PROXY of the Flex Edit input (optional)
- Reconcile referenced source asset IDs. This will reference all existing assets in the account as children of the Flex Edit input. (optional).
Twitter V2 API supported
Support for Twitter V2 API for Twitter Publish/Unpublish actions implemented.
Upgrade of AWS S3 SDK in JAE
The AWS S3 SDK has been upgraded to AWS SDK v2. For backward compatibility, scripting jobs that use AWS SDK v1 are still supported.
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Added SearchElastic API support to the Flex SDK.
- Fixed an issue where the Fractional framerate (29.97f|59.94f) failed to add the dropFrameMultiplier when the framerateValue was not exact (29.97f|59.94f), leading to the wrong TC-millisec calculations.
- Added resilience to image transcode jobs by improving the retrieval and reuse of existing placeholders on job retry. This will also limit the creation of ghost children during this process.
- Allowed metadata instances to be saved referencing deleted objects, taxons, tags etc from scripts. New parameter ‘allowDeletedReferences’ for API ‘PUT /api/{assetId}/metadata’ in Enterprise.
- Event handler service now catches all exceptions when applying an event handler filter.
- Provided a new tool, flex-technicalmetadata-migration, to unsure persistent data in case of media assets with drop frame, fractional frame rate (e.g.: 29.97, 59.94) and videoStream startTimecode not 0) with extracted technical metadata.
- Added support to signal workflow manually if it stuck and not moving to next node using new API endpoint.
- Ensured script locks are unlocked if a script errors.
- Added support of Hazelcast locks for JEF scripting in addition to Redisson locks
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Event handler service: Fixed an issue where metadata expression parsing errors block other event handlers for the same type of event from running.
- Fixed an issue where workflows quotya is NOT checked when workflow is launched from Hot Folder.
- Collection service: Fixed an issue where there was overeager removal of parentUuids when processing subcollections by ensuring that subcollection deletion stops for branches that encounter subcollections not owned by the deleting user.
- Image Transcode: Reset filename when job is retried using a forced FSP new execution.
- Authorisation service: Include subaccounts when adding master account to cache.
- To prevent jobs remaining in a Pending state indefinitely, workflow state is set to running once the timed out job completes.
- Fixed an issue so Dozer is initialized once when a JEF script is executed and is then reused.
- Event handler service: Fixed an issue where metadata expression parsing errors block other event handlers for the same type of event from running.
- Fixed an issue where workflows quotya is NOT checked when workflow is launched from Hot Folder.
- Collection service: Fixed an issue where there was overeager removal of parentUuids when processing subcollections by ensuring that subcollection deletion stops for branches that encounter subcollections not owned by the deleting user.
- Image Transcode: Reset filename when job is retried using a forced FSP new execution.
- Authorisation service: Include subaccounts when adding master account to cache.
- To prevent jobs remaining in a Pending state indefinitely, workflow state is set to running once the timed out job completes.
- Fixed an issue so Dozer is initialized once when a JEF script is executed and is then reused.
- Fixed an issue where Start Timecode values are showing different in Enterprise and FlexMAM for 29.97/59.94 from Enterprise
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to update a market and the message Invalid timecode was displayed even when updating a marker with a valid timecode.
List of Services upgraded between 2023.8.1 and 2023.8.2
flex_collection_service |
flex_eventhandler_service |
flex_fastobject_service | flex_indexelastic_service |
flex_job |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service |
flex_master | Flex_metadatamerge_service |
flex_metadata_service |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Add SearchElastic API support to the Flex SDK.
- Fixed an issue where the Fractional framerate (29.97f|59.94f) failed to add the dropFrameMultiplier when the framerateValue was not exact (29.97f|59.94f), leading to the wrong TC-millisec calculations.
- Improve annotation retrieval response times.
- Removed the workflow age from scheduling computation of the Job Scheduler to achieve a steady number of jobs on the job queue when there are many PENDING jobs.
- To improve performance for indexing metadta annotations, added caching for taxons, tags and objects in indexelastic.
- Revert back to using static Hazelcast configuration.
- To improve performance when fetching metadata instances, add metadata caching support to metadata, metadata merge, replicate gateway and fastobject services.
- To improve performance when indexing UDOs, now caching ACLs for parent UDOs in indexelastic.
- Ensure script locks are unlocked if a script errors.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Collection service: Fixed an issue when deleting a collection that has a parent collection with specified write ACL access from API results in an error.
- Fixed an issue so Dozer is initialized once when a JEF script is executed and is then reused.
- Fixed an issue with Custom Markers where createAnnotations triggers this exception ‘SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out’. Issue fixed by updating flex-master service to use metadata cache provider.
- Fixed an issue with WorkflowScheduler that meant Jobs are not moved to running state (specific scenario)
List of Services upgraded between 2023.8.0 and 2023.8.1
hz_version |
flex_authentication_service |
flex_authorisation_service |
flex_collection_service |
flex_eventhandler_service |
flex_fastobject_service |
flex_indexelastic_service |
flex_job |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service |
flex_master |
flex_metadatamerge_service |
flex_metadata_service |
flex_publish_service |
flex_publishindexer_service |
flex_fmpreviewer_app |
flex_globalheader_app |
flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- [Mobile BFF] Support for Metadata, Details and Technical Metadata tabs for Segmented, Spanned Media, Image Sequence, CPL and AS02 asset types in FlexMOBILE.
- Indexelastic service: No collection with UUID XXXXXX found, will skip indexing error is not thrown when a given collection cannot be retrieved.
- CM Bundles: Bundle configuration files to manage configurations as a reusable component.
- Flex Admin App: On Spring Boot admin login improve 'Remember Me' check box functionality and add Consul KVs to set custom user and password flex/flex-admin-app/username and flex/flex-admin-app/password.
- Collection service: Include object type when retrieving subcollections via Collection Service endpoint.
- Add logic so that the originatorContext field is not ignored when creating an annotation from Enterprise REST API. If value of originatorContext from OriginatorContext.json is supplied use the value, if originatorContex is not supplied, use the default value Timeline, if a different value is used, display the exception No OriginatorContext enum with displayName: XXX.
- Add timedActionService to JEF SDK.
- Add support for drill-down metadata fields to run rules using the syntax #{"@@new-drill-down-option-field@@"!=("???")}.
- Add ability to associate variantId without metadataDefinitionEntityId to a collection.
- Upgrade AWS 3 SDK in JAE.
- Index (and return) pixelAspectRatioFraction and frameRateFraction as well as the non-fractional forms.
- Publish UDR data to Tableau data store for Dalet Flex metering and billing.
- User data publisher API endpoint for Daet Flex metering and billing.
- Improvements to Wizard Run Rule Expression Evaluation. Improved performance for fetching wizards in the API and UI when there are a large number of wizards configured. Noticeable slow-downs came after about 50 wizards.
- Scheduler operations only available at the master account level.
- Hide/ Partially-Remove Export Edit Plugin descriptions for AMA link added previously.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where a null value workflow variable was not displayed in the Variables tab of the Workflow instance.
- Fixed an issue where the History for an event returns results/events of all objects whose objectid match even if the object type is not relevant to the specific event. Issue fixed by adding objecttypeid while retrieving events history for all Mio Objects.
- Fixed an issue in the Hazelcast connectivity check where flex-master and flex-job services were unable to reconnect to Hazelcast following outage without doing a restart.
- Fixed an issue where no results were found when searching assets in Flex Core.
- Fixed an issue where creating a metadata annotation referencing a metadata field that does not exist throws an Error while processing request (500) instead of an invalid input error (400).
- Fixed an issue where a hot-folder-service keeps trying to execute a configuration for a resource that does not exist because it is on an account that has been disabled. Issue solved by creating a new DISABLED resource status state + event listener to dump cache on account enabled and disabled events.
- Fixed a CSS issue that caused tabs not to be aligned in Flex Core GUI for a UDO.
- Solved an issue when it was not possible to delete an attachment in a hot folder with a long description by using keyboard arrows instead of the mouse.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to download the pdf/excel report for asset search.
- Fixed an issue where old instances of UDOs are no longer editable and throw an error in Flex CORE UI if their UDOT has been updated after they were created and subsequently had a metadata definition assigned to it. Issue fixed by assigning a default metadata instance to the old UDOs when they are loaded instead of throwing an error.
- Fixed an issue where Resource and Workflow definition created in the tenant account are not visible in subaccount even though the visibility is set.
- Fixed an issue where runrule expressions for asset attribute related fields was not working for Package assets. Added support for AS02, Asset CPL, Asset Edit Asset, IMP Asset, Project Asset, Segmented Asset, Tar Asset, Camera Card Asset and Spanned Media Asset asset types.
- Fixed an issue where UDO icons and user profile images are uploaded even when the validations fail for the image size.
- Fixed an issue where performing scheduler start and stop operations using an API call completes successfully but this is not reflected in Flex Core UI.
- User settings service: Fixed an issue where the User ID is not correctly picked up from flexUser context object. This caused an issue when pinning and unpinning collections.
- Collection service: Fixed an issue where the User ID is not correctly picked up from flexUser context object. This caused an issue when pinning and unpinning collections.
- Fixed an issues where asset metadata and custom marker metadata is conflicted when the same metadata definition is associated to asset metadata and to annotations.
- Fixed an issue where AS02 proxy creation was failing for a because of a non-integer sample aspect ratio for specific J2K in MXF files.
- Fixed an issue where extract keyframes failed if the target folder resource is a root folder that does not have a path defined for it. Issue fixed by adding logic to ensure makePath is not called for an undefined path if the path is the root path.
- Fixed the efficiency for extracting keyfames on long files depending on whether keyframes are extracted at small or large time intervals.
- Fixed an issue where metadata typeahead values with single quote character are not displayed in FlexMAM but are displayed in Flex Core.
- Fixed an issue where a list of files in an S3 location were not imported successfully via a Hot Folder because the List children call for existing location of S3 Storage was not working.
- When user run HLS Proxy on then it is failing with spawn: command error.
- Revert the changes blocking master account entities being seen within the tenant account.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Add ability to apply a default sort order to markers.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- FlexMAM: Fixed an issue where it was not possible to edit date and time metadata fields in a custom marker.
- Fixed an issue where Save Clip Bin as Collection was saving the collection in both the My Collections and Working Collections section instead of just in My Collections.
- Fixed an issue where it is not possible to create collection from the Create option (+ icon) in the Global Header.
- Fixed an issue where user is unable to set a new variant for a collection from the Details tab. The Save button remains disabled.
- FlexMAM: Fixed UI issues on search suggestion box, new table template, and export CSV.
- Fixed an issue where the current Date filter does not match the calendar because of discrepancies between the local timezone and the user timezone.
- FlexMAM Player: Fixed an issue where clicking on the play button on a created clip did not play the clip correctly. The clip starts but completes playing very quickly.
- FlexADMIN: Fixed an issue where after updating the Expires On field for the user in Admin page and saving, 5:30 hours are added to the configured time.
- Fixed an issue where no Tooltip for Clip Advanced Actions is displayed on the Sequence Timeline
- Fixed an issue where the Green color line indicating the clip range is not displayed on the clip preview panel in the sequence page.
- Fixed an issue where Templates are not displayed when opening Settings in FlexXtend. Issue fixed by displaying the templates on the left hand side of the FlexXtend panel.
- Fixed an issue where audio tracks were out of sync when pausing and jumping through a video.
- Fixed an issue where search lookup in metadata fields in FlexMAM is not working when a field is non editable.
- Fixed an issue where the timestamping variable sent when a wizard is launched on a clip is different depending on whether the wizard is launched from Asset Results/Summary Panel/Manage Page.
- FlexMAM search filter: Fixed an issue where the From and To fields in the calendar UI are not aligned.
- Fixed an issue where the Uploader icon is not displayed in App switcher.
- Fixed an issue where timecode format for DF and NDF formats is displayed incorrectly. NDF should be hh:mm:ss:ff, DF should be hh:mm:ss;ff and no drop frame indication (24/25, 23.976) should be hh:mm:ss:ff.
- Fixed an issue where the Notification panel opens unexpectedly when clicking a UDO referenced from metadata.
List of Services upgraded between 2023.7.0 and 2023.8.0
For the new 2023.8.0 release, most services have changed.
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