Dalet is excited to present the August 2021 release of Dalet Flex 2021.8.0.
This release of Dalet Flex provides the new features, quality and security enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes listed below.
Dalet Flex
New Features
Vantage plugin upgrade
The Flex Vantage plugin has been upgraded to support the latest version of Vantage and make use of the Flex Job Execution Framework (JEF) including a new Vantage Workflow Resource, and new Launch Vantage Workflow action plugin. The Flex integration supports intelligent retry capability, ability to cancel, restart, and monitor progress of Vantage workflows, workflow variables, multiple input assets, and import of media produced by Vantage.
Note: the integration currently supports Flex FILE assets, with additional VFS protocols coming in a future release.
Dalet FlexMAM
New Features
Support for managing Flex Sequences
This release gives users the ability to name and save the Sequence they are working on, browse & search for that Sequence in the MAM at a later stage, and resume their work. Sequences are now displayed in FlexMAM within the list and tile views, and as a sorting option as a new “Type”. Initially sequences support metadata, general, technical metadata, and history tabs in the summary panel with proxy preview, ACLs, and more coming in future releases.
Enhancements in Dalet Flex
- "java.util.regex" added to the JEF script whitelist
- Update JEF Copy/Move event augmentation to remove secretUuid from locations data and add data type for event data values
- Support mix-down of unknown source channel formats and provide new channel split profile feature
- Searchelastic: return all date and date/time values in ISO8601 format
- Support (optionally) specifying user time zone in search requests
- Add marker duration (i.e. timestampOut minus timestampIn) to all annotations
- 'Stop Video Review' action fails if more than one session open for a given asset
- Workflow definition’s concurrent workflow limit in exported xml
- When not directly searching annotations, return up to a maximum of "n" annotations, instead of all of them
- Fix / update events generated by Taxonomy Service for taxon rename / enabled / disabled.
- Hot folder for live HLS/Dash streams
- When a tag is renamed or enabled/disabled, find all documents in ES which reference that tag, and update them accordingly
- Ensure index messages are prioritised over reindex messages
- Added JEF SDK method to delete external key
- Make JEF scripting plugins only return new job or workflow variables
- Change error if metadata definition does not exist
- Show valid CM version being in use in flex-cm -launch screen
- Need to test get/set metadata with all variables having different format (with and without value attribute)
- Fix asset context format, width, and height on published image assets
- Improve JEF SDK code to make taxonomy metadata fields easy to manipulate
- Add to FSP requests externalId (Flex Job id) for downstream tracking
- Copy/Move with sub path support + Move configurable new name
- Add the ability to add JEF script permissions without having to bounce the JAE service
- Metadata Service - Support of Workspace named query to exclude Account Workspace
- Metadata Service - Support of named query to get only shared workflows
- Metadata Merge should remove comments also along with instances
- 2 Additional file-type support in Web Transfer: .ttf & .oft
Fixed Issues in Dalet Flex
- Exact matching of metadata field in specific definition can only be done with var-xxx- prefix
- Metadata merge is failing when change child name of single option variable
- Unable to filter annotations using certain parameters using Rest API and apiQuery()
- Not able to launch the workflow while JOB "Reference" is not given
- JEF Script Decision plugin always evaluating to false
- Tech metadata extraction failures - Error with job: [500 Internal Server Error] during [PUT]
- Wrong event is generated while enabling and disabling Taxonomy
- Taxon name is displaying as null in events at enterprise
- Workflow are triggering as per previous concurrent workflows value even after updating the concurrent workflows values as "0"
- Workflow designer validation not validating everything
- TAG & TAXON Events icon is missing in event list
- Update UUID endpoint (/api/objects/1234/uuids) call is broken in the B2B API
- Add width/height to Image Sequence Technical Metadata
- Hot folder - workflow does not trigger for a file which updates continuously
- System Error on edit visibility and save an action while user does not have "view" permission of an account
- Multiple Sorting issue: Sort with Name and then description not working
- Getting system error while trying to create quota in specific steps
- B2B /api/assets endpoint erroring with: Error while processing request
- Large, gzipped file-based result was not being created before source was deleted
- tif extension is not supported for TIFF files
- Search with Name is not working from General Options of Access advance search
- Swagger-UI not loading for few NodeJS services
- Flex Metadata Designer: Getting internal server error while deleting any disabled metadata definition with no variable added to it.
- Set Metadata not working for Key/Value variable
- Some Proxies for image sequences have incorrect frame counts
- The NodeJS feature toggle endpoint returns actualValue as a string rather than Boolean
- Workflow remains always in pending state for given specific scenario
- Modify Relationship action fails when Cloud Restored asset is used as parent asset
- User readable message should be displayed on save metadata when user doesn’t have edit permission
- System error when try to disable or delete the legacy event handler
- Disabling a Tag removes it from the asset's metadata form in FMP
- Old MySQL metadata instances aren't deleted after migration
- Publish job is failing when source file (asset) is located on AZBS
- Old metadata instance is not getting deleted for annotations
- JEF Delay Workflow: Show proper failure reason in job history
- AnnotationApiQuery class in flex-sdk-external missing properties
- assetContext is not populated in API
- Error when updating metadata definition: Increase amount of time error is displayed
- SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet
Enhancements in FlexMAM
- Change bulk marker metadata edit columns
- Image proxy and admin app support for SVG
- History tab should show history from all the users
- Date / time primitive truncated in search table
- Connect App switcher to permissions rather than Consul KV
Fixed Issues in FlexMAM
- Date picker remains blank when account profile for is not created in admin app
- Keyframe extraction, pooling inefficient
- Asset selection is slow (FMP)
- Audio Meters stop working after upgrade
- Modify custom template should not require page refresh to show modified columns
- Sync tab title and tooltip
- Sorting doesn’t work on Bulk Assets table column
- Multiple sorting not available on admin app tables (Users, Groups, Workspaces)
- MAM/Reviewer : startTimecode should not require to convert from NDF to DF frames in case of dropFrame timecode
- Year can't be selected for date filter
- Removed extra padding on table listing on higher resolution screen (1920*1080)
- True and False - both values are ticked from options on Add filter
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