Dalet is excited to present the release of Dalet Flex 2021.12.0.
This release of Dalet Flex provides the new features, quality and security enhancements, bug fixes, and other changes listed below.
Flex 2021.12 is an LTS (Long Term Supported) release track and will receive both critical bug fix updates and security updates until it reaches end-of-life.
Dalet Flex
New Features
Plugin Obsoletion
A number of legacy Core plugins are now obsolete in favor of their JEF equivalents.
Obsolete legacy plugins can no longer be created via the Core UI, but existing ones can be edited. This restriction can be overridden via environment feature toggles if necessary.
Plugin |
Asset Publish |
Asset Republish |
Asset Unpublish |
Azure Stream Publish
Azure Stream Republish
Azure Stream Unpublish
External Script |
External Script Decision
External Timed Script
Find and Signal Named Signal Wait
Groovy Script |
Groovy Script Decision
Groovy Script Multi-Decision
Timed Groovy Script
Wait for External Script
Wait for Groovy Script
Flex Camera Card Asset Type
Flex Camera Card is a new package type representing the folder structure of proprietary Camera Card structures (e.g.: Panasonic, Sony, Canon, Redmedia...).
Flex Camera Card references a folder (vfsLocation) and it can have members. Usually, members will be Flex Spanned Media and Flex Media Assets.
Flex Camera Card tracks all the files included in the folder hierarchy. A new Import Camera Card plugin supports integration with Flex HotFolder triggered workflows.
Flex Spanned Media Asset Type
Flex Spanned Media is a new object type representing Camera Spanned Clips, a video take/shoot spanned across multiple files.
Flex Spanned Media behaves as a standard Flex Media asset. It has Technical Metadata, supports Keyframe, Timeline Annotation and it can have children associated (e.g., Proxy transcodes).
Import Camera Card plugin supports importing one or multiple Spanned Media assets on the same job execution and integrates with Flex HotFolder triggered workflows. Flex Spanned Media can be Cloud archived/restored.
Updated Application Security Model for Dalet Flex
The Flex application security model has been updated in line with current best practices, including stateful session management and refresh token rotation.
Automatic Action Configuration Merge
New action plugin versions can now be applied directly to the action configuration without having to recreate it from scratch. This will merge the existing action configurations automatically. The feature can be optionally enabled by an environment feature toggle (Consul KV), and will be enabled by default in a future release.
If the feature is enabled:
- For all Enterprise plugins, configuration changes are always merged automatically
- For JEF plugins, the behavior is configurable when you create the action
Flex Hot Folder Service
A new Hot Folder Service that is inline with JEF has been implemented. The new hot folder service:
- Is scalable and aligned with existing hot folder functionality available in enterprise
- Supports extended features like scanning folders, supports package assets like segmented assets, live assets such as HLS and Dash streams etc.
- Supports specifying a storage resource instead of plain vfs location to scan
- Supports Md5 checksum, sidecar etc.
NOTE: Housekeeping support has not yet been added in the new Hot Folder Service. (Housekeeping is how long file to be kept in hot folder location after scanned.)
Additional features are planned for new hot folder service.
Search by Name in Flex Core
To improve search performance, from this release, Search by Name in Flex Core retrieves results using “starts with” instead of “contains”. This means that for any object with multiple values in the Name field, you should only use the first value in your search query. For example, for an Asset called “Dalet Flex”, search for Dalet and for an Action called ”Add Asset to UDO”, search for “Add”.
NOTE: Search using the global search text box is unchanged. Type any text in the Search for text box and global search will list all objects containing that text.
Storage DR: Proxy
Hot swapping of proxy source Storage Resource (Cloud Storage or File) can be now configured using Folder Resource and a new Selector Policy: Custom Resource Selector Policy.
It is possible to define multiple Storage Resources to host proxy file/segmented assets. Managed asset proxies will resolve to the Storage Resource defined in the Folder Resource Selector Policy.
Proxy Managed Asset now also supports subpath.
Cloning Proxy assets across Storage Resources is not yet performed automatically. This should be achieved using S3 replication or configuring copy jobs at workflow level.
Flex Xtend to Adobe Premiere
Remote Rendering Support for Flex Xtend to Adobe Premiere
To allow quick, continuous work for a video editor, working with Adobe Premiere on Flex assets via the Flex Xtend panel in Adobe Premiere, support of remote encoding using an Adobe Media Encoder (AME) server has been added. Editors who send their project to render will no longer render the media locally, but will instead send the job to a remote AME server, limiting media movement, thus saving costs and time.
- Adobe Premiere may run on Windows or Mac OS, but the Remote AME must run on Windows OS
- The remote AME must have access to all media assets used in a project via a shared storage
- Check-in (upload) of local media used in a project is currently not supported
Remote Rendering Support for Flex Xtend to Adobe Premiere – Download of Inaccessible Media
The Remote AME sever is the centralized location for rendering Adobe Premiere projects when using Flex Xtend to Premiere. In cases where the AME does not have direct access to the media designated in a project, that media is downloaded to the AME machine to allow the render.
Users can follow the download progress using the designated progress field, per media asset. Rendering will not trigger until all relevant media has been downloaded to the AME and are accessible.
- Premiere may run on Windows or Mac OS, but the Remote AME must run on Windows OS.
- All media must be referenced in Flex
- Check-in (upload) of local media used in a project is currently not supported
Improve JAE job status message filtering (New for 2021.12.1)
JEF jobs running with Stream Processor or File Processor services poll the status every 5 secs (default value, but configurable at plugin level) and send the status as RUNNING to Flex Enterprise even if there is no progress in the job. This can create thousands of unnecessary posts that have to be processed. To reduce this processing, this feature has updated the behavior of JAE to only send an update when progress has been made in a job.
For backwards compatibility, this functionality uses this feature toggle key:
By default the key is set to true. When set to false, all Running messages are sent to Flex Enterprise as before.
Drop Frame Support for Fractional Frame Rates 29.72|59.94 fps (new for 2021.12.1)
Dalet Flex now supports fractional frame rates (29.97, 59.94f) with drop-frame (DF) support. Before this change all 29.97|59.94 were assumed to be non-drop-frame (NDF). This has been updated across the whole platform: from Extract Technical Metadata mapping to API and FMP UI. VideoStream dropFrame boolean property is used to differentiate DF/NDF options.
Technical Metadata Versioning
A “version” attribute has been added to the technical metadata of Flex assets. This will identify how the technical metadata for each asset should be interpreted. Current versions:
- Indicates changes to support drop-frame (DF) and non-drop frame (NDF) fractional timecodes e.g. 29.97/59.94
- Indicates changes to use rational number based fractional frame rates i.e. (frame rate * 1000)/1001
- Indicates the addition of a new field in the technical metadata: formatContext.dropFrame (true/false)
- Indicates changes of new mapping rules for format.startTime, format.startTimecode, stream.startTime, stream.startTimecode, and added formatContext.startTimecode
Upload captions while publishing video (new for 2021.12.6)
You can upload captions while publishing videos using the Publish to YouTube action. A child subtitle asset(s) designated by a context expression in the plugin is used and the caption name and language is retrieved from the subtitle asset.
Dalet FlexMAM
New Features
Content Recommendation
To facilitate your work, FlexMAM can now display recommendations for similar content when you select an asset in the Search listing. This feature can be enabled from the FlexMAM table settings menu.
Recommendations are based on asset tags, which can be managed from the Details tab on the asset’s summary panel, backed by the Flex account’s tag collection. FlexMAM searches for content that has closely matching tags and displays the most relevant items in the Recommendations panel at the bottom of the screen. Currently up to six recommendations are displayed. The Recommendations panel can be minimized, or it can be closed completely. When closed, content recommendations can be re-enabled from the table Settings menu.
Search Value Suggestions
To improve the user experience when searching in the free text search bar, FlexMAM now suggests possible content results as you type your query into the Search Bar. When you first place your cursor in the Search bar, a list of most recently modified assets is displayed, you can click on one of these to select. As you begin typing, FlexMAM suggests a list of assets that match the text you are typing. You can click on one of the suggestions to open it in its Manage page or type Enter to perform the search as normal. In the current version, matching is only performed on the Name field and will be expanded in future releases.
Restyling of the Admin App
The Flex Admin app has been restyled to find administrative settings more easily. In addition to managing users, groups and workspaces, the Admin app allows you to manage accounts and application settings.
The main menu has 3 options:
- User Management: Manage Users, Groups and Workspaces
- Account Management: Manage Accounts and account themes
- Application Settings: Set Global and per-application settings within the account
Duration in FlexMAM is displayed as HH:mm:ss.SSS (new from 2021.12.4)
Duration in FlexMAM is now represented as Time instead of as TIMECODE, so it is represented in this formatHH:mm:ss.SSS(hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds). The Duration field is displayed in this way in all relevant locations in FlexMAM.
NOTE:The change in the Duration format was also applied to markers. Markers should be displayed as Timecode and this issue will be addressed in a future release.
UDO access sharing (new from 2021.12.5)
Access sharing permissions can now be applied to Flex User Defined Objects (UDO). This allows you to share a UDO to users who are not already members of the UDO’s workspace. Sharing can be done on the top-level UDO from the FlexMAM user interface and will apply to the entire hierarchy of the UDO (i.e., the parent UDO and all its nested child UDOs). Sharing can also only be applied to UDOs which are configured as Workspace Supported in the Core UI. UDOs can be shared from the FlexMAM (Access tab) and from the Groovy SDK and REST API.
Support setting account preferences for format of video duration in FlexADMIN (New from 2021.12.8)
Option added in FlexADMIN > Application Settings > Global Settings to set the preferred display format for video durations: frames or milliseconds. The duration format is applied in: • Asset table view • Tile view • Asset technical metadata tab
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Add validations to ensure that assets ingested incorrectly to the wrong storage location do not cause all assets in the folder to be removed on Purge.
- Added a common prefix to all name identifiers of entries in the `apps` section of Permissions, and added FlexXTEND.
- Added the ability to associate variantId without metadataDefinitionEntityId to a collection
- Fixed an Invalid Parameter Data issue by enabling support for <video> tags in the API Parameter Validation List.
- Added validation in the Purge plugin to fail a purge job if it tries to delete any directory which is configured as a storage resource root location.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where Flex Master was unable to connect to Redis following outage. Redis connectivity is now included as part of the readiness check. Readiness and Liveness check added to Job Scheduler. If Readiness and/or Liveness check fails then Job Scheduler will not process new jobs until both these checks Okay.
- FastObject: Improve retrieving annotation metadata tag fields by caching tag names retrieved from Tag service.
- Fixed an issue where the failure of cancelling a single workflow prevented the cancellation of all other workflows being cancelled in bulk.
- Fixed an issue where assets are moved to UNMANAGED when its associated Storage Resource is disabled.
- Fixed an issue where a Null pointer exception is thrown when converting searched udo to json.
- Fixed an issue where a Review Session Action could not be stopped using the Workflow 'sessionId' variable.
- Fixed an issue where Enterprise delegating to SearchElastic erroneously sets the workspaceId when none has been specified.
- Fixed an issue where old instances of UDOs are no longer editable and throw an error in Flex CORE UI if their UDOT has been updated after they were created and subsequently had a metadata definition assigned to it. Issue fixed by assigning a default metadata instance to the old UDOs when they are loaded instead of throwing an error.
- Fixed an issue where system metadata was updated on a restart of JAE and possibly causing a reindex, for no apparent reason. Issue fixed by synching the revision numbers of system metadata definitions in Json files with those generated by Enterprise.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to cancel a workflow when the subworkflow is null. Issue solved by adding a condition to avoid an NPE.
- To fix an issue with running workflows that are not cancelled manually, created a stored procedure to cancel workflows which is running for more than 30 days and above
- Fixed an issue where the metadata instance type ahead UI is broken for fields with multiplicity supported variables.
- To prevent corruption of Arrango DB and its being irrecoverable after one host is down. For Spring Boot Apps using Arango: Replication factor of `arangolock` / `dbchangelog` collections should be at least 2. For existing environment collections this should be done manually.
- Fixed an issue where Enterprise API returns an invalid framerate for IMP Asset proxy.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Remove (old) suggestion endpoint and replace with the graphql suggestion endpoint.
- Pagination control – Display, Set number of items, Navigate between pages
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where search filtering on Technical Metadata for Interlace Format is Top Field First/Bottom Field First was not returning the correct results.
- Fixed an issue with the Jump 10 Minute Forward command in the Player, where if the remaining media duration was shorter than 10 minutes, the playhead would not jump to the end of the timeline, as expected.
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to set a new variant for a collection from the Details tab. The Save button remains disabled.
- Fixed an issue where metadata value is not displayed for Timecode Field and key value fields in FlexMAM although it is displayed in Flex Core.
- Fixed an issue where the current Date filter does not match the calendar because of discrepancies between the local timezone and the user timezone.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to download keyframes in FlexMAM for assets with special characters in the file name.
- Fixed an issue where the time range for a marker annotation in the Listing page did not match the time range in custom marker tab due to an absolute/relative TC issue.
- Search: Fixed in issue where Typeahead search is not retrieving the suggestion and the loader is shown for a long time.
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.10 and 2021.12.11
flex_blackpearl_service | flex_collection_service | flex_fastobject_service | flex_forms_service |
flex_imageproxy_service | flex_job | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_master |
flex_metadata_service | flex_publishindexer_service | flex_fmpadmin_app | flex_globalheader_app |
flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- FastObject: Improve retrieving annotation metadata tag fields by caching tag names retrieved from Tag service.
- Add support to fetch Job, Workflow dashboard summary counts from SQL (by default) in Data Aggregation. Use a feature toggle Consul KV flex/flex-dataaggregation-service/aggregationDataSource to fallback to REDIS.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where errors were sent when FFP was polling a filename that had already been deleted and was not available.
- Fixed an issue in IndexElastic where under load (e.g. full reindex where a number of assets have >10k annotations) communication to FastObject breaks down and renders indexing ineffective.
- SearchElastic: Fixed an issue where GraphQLSuggestions API was displaying this error Expected type 'Int' but was 'Long' by correctly mapping Elasticsearch mapping fields having long data type with Long type in GraphQl schema fields.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete timeline comments from FlexMAM when Originator_Correlation_Id did not exist.
- Fixed an issue where any update to a workflow definition reset the concurrent workflow limit to zero for that workflow definition.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Update subtitle method to retrieve subtitles when playing an asset from the player in the Asset Summary panel.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to see the Collection Type field when creating a collection from Clip Bin. The type field has been added in the Save ClipBin as dialog. It is also possible to edit the Type of a Collection from its Details tab in the Summary panel.
- Fixed an issue where the setting value in the User Metadata field with a name that included an @ did not work.
- Fixed an issue where User Defined Object received incorrect icons.
- Fixed an issue where the My Task section was impacted by actions by other users. The fix ensures that updates made by users other than the current user are isolated from the current user's My Task section.
- Clip duration in ClipBin in FlexMAM respects the Video Duration Format set in FlexADMIN> Application Management > Global Settings.
- Fixed an issue where the “clip created” notification was not displayed when creating a clip from the Player in the Manage page.
- Fixed an issue where creating a clip using a wizard was not working if the asset start timecode/clip timestampIn is 00:00:00.
- Fixed an issue where the Export search results of current page to CSV was not working correctly the first page of results was always exported. Issue fixed by ensuring that the current page number is retrieved dynamically.
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.9 and 2021.12.10
flex_assettransfer_service | flex_dataaggregation_service | flex_fastobject_service | flex_hotfolder_service |
flex_indexelastic_service | flex_job | flex_master | flex_searchelastic_service |
flex_globalheader_app | flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Saving a metadata field of type "Asset" failed when the referenced asset was not located in the user's default workspace. Flex now considers all of the user's workspace memberships when saving these fields.
- Support chunk based parallel processing for stitch jobs.
- Refactor SQL to improve the performance for fetching the failed workflow count.
- Fixed an issue with Indexelastic service not being able to index assets due to nested_objects limit in ElasticSearch, and reporting the error `Request execution cancelled`. A new Consul KV has been added, `flex/flex-indexelastic-service/elasticsearch/nestedObjectsLimit`, to configure the maximum number of nested objects (default of 10000).
- Support stitching AVC codecs with same profile and level but different constraints by adding a logic to use the least constrained set of constraints for AVC1 codec specifications if only the constraint values are different.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where there was an endless loop in ffmpeg transcode when using source clipping and outputting subtitles to DASH. The problem was caused because ffmpeg does not correctly decode EIA_608/708 captions and was solved by filtering these captions from the source.
- Fixed an issue where audio packets were not being sized correctly within audio channel splitter and this was causing transcodes to fail because Flex Stream Processor was reporting the wrong duration.
- Fixed an issue where stitching source assets with differing color ranges was failing with the error `differing color_range on streamconsolidate inputs`. The issue was fixed by specifying default colorspace values for stitch/sequence inputs and safer handling of undefined values.
- Fixed an issue in the legacy SDK where it was not possible to set a drill down metadata taxon field to a taxon when it contains an ampersand.
- Collection service: Fixed an issue where Collection retrieval query is very slow for larger datasets by refactoring the query.
- Indexelastic not able to index assets due to nested_objects limit in elasticsearch.
- Unable to set a taxon value containing '&' character.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where the reset password button was visible for external SAML users. Issue fixed by adding a condition to only display the reset button for Flex users that do not have external authorization.
- Fixed an issue where unnecessary text is showing before fields in the Technical Metadata tab in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue where filtering on a Date metadata field in advanced search in FlexMAM was not working.
- Fixed an issue where the date format was displayed differently in the Summary panel and in the Manage page in FlexMAM. The date format should be the same throughout FlexMAM. The format should be taken from the configuration in FlexADMIN if this is available otherwise the default format should be used.
- Fixed an issue where incorrect fields were displayed in the Summary panel and in the Manage page.
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.8 and 2021.12.9
flex_collection_service |
flex_fileprocessor_service |
flex_indexelastic_service |
flex_job |
flex_master |
flex_streamprocessor_service |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Support for setting account preference in FlexADMIN to display video durations in frames or milliseconds.
- Add caching headers for images downloaded by Flex Enterprise to /images/icons endpoints in Enterprise.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Investigated and fixed an issue where there was no preview for a proxy asset. This error was displayed
The physical file cannot be accessed. Possible reasons: The file system, containing the file is not accessible/The file has been deleted.
- Fixed an issue where Flex JEF SDK fails to set Date parameters in an Assets Api Query because the date parameters were not being converted correctly
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete timed actions after they were cancelled.
- Fixed an issue where a timed action object could not be exported.
- Fixed an issue where jobs failed when modifying the same UDO structure in different workflows because the locking mechanism was not working as expected.
- Fixed an issue on Index elastic when processing some user defined objects with this error
"not one of the values accepted for the Enum class"
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Support for setting account preference in FlexADMIN to display video durations in frames or milliseconds.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where Clip IN and OUT times are wrongly displayed on Media manage page Clip bin listing tab because the IN/OUT times were sent to the range service in microseconds instead of seconds.
- Fixed an issue where the Asset access sharing tab was not displayed in FlexMAM even though the user has Manage ACL permissions in their role.
- Fixed an issue where the IN and OUT timecode was displayed incorrectly while creating a Custom Marker even though it was displayed correctly once the Custom Marker was created and saved.
- Fixed an issue noted after upgrade to 2021.12.6 where audio and video were not properly synched during playout.
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.7 and 2021.12.8
flex_indexelastic_service | flex_job | flex_master | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service |
flex_fmpadmin_app | flex_globalheader_app | flex_search_app | flex_usersettings_service |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Improved security when accessing or downloading keyframes.
- Ignore container level color space information received in the file format wrapper if this conflicts with the pixel format for the source color space.
- Assets in a CPL imported with UUID as a member name.
- Vantage plugin returns: Output name(s) + Vantage job id in workflow context variable.
- FlexXtend: Increase the maximum number of FlexREVIEW comments imported to Adobe Premiere Pro as markers to 500.
- Change metadata modified event raised when a taxonomy metadata field changes to display the taxon/tag name rather than the ID.
- Allow legacy SDK scripts to call
. - 2022.5.X Assets in a CPL imported with UUID as a member name.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where the Sort by function in FlexREVIEW does not work for any of the selected options.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to clear metadata values added to markers. The problem was solved by updating the Enterprise API and updating the flex_metadata_service_version.
- Fixed an issue when after importing using Web Uploader, an asset proxy was created but could not be previewed because the media is placed in the wrong location. The issue was fixed by associating the asset being imported to the actual file path and not to the path of the inbox.
- Fixed an issue where there was an error when trying to generate the Checksum and Extract Technical Info on a file that has space in its path. Issue fixed by preventing the trimming of path and name fields when submitting jobs to FSP and FPP.
- Fixed an issue where job priority is not respected if a quota is applied to a resource and a job is set to pending because the quota is full.
- Fixed an issue where Elastic Search was displaying custom markers that have been deleted in FlexMAM. The issue was fixed by enabling a retry if the Elastic Search API throws a conflict response exception.
- Fixed an issue where this error was thrown by DB pruner when pruning a batch size of 1000
Error 1406: Data too long for column 'jobsDeleted' at row XXXXX
. The error occurs when the total length of the stored procedure output, enumerating all the jobs that have just been pruned, exceeds 65535 characters (the length of a TEXT value). To overcome this limitation the column type for DB pruning temporary column was updated to MEDIUMTEXT. - DB pruner: To improve performance to prevent slowness when loading modules in Flex Core, changes made to DB Pruner to allow users to modify settings to allow more aggressive running during a maintenance window without impacting other DB users. Possible to configure ‘maxOperationTime’ and the limit on “you’ve run again too soon” is twice the ‘pauseDuration’ instead of being hardcoded at 2 minutes.
- DB Pruner: Issues were noted with the uncontrolled database growth as a result of the automatic scale-back mechanism, updates were made to the automatic scale-back mechanism of DB Pruner to prevent a complete loss of pruning.
- DB Pruner: Improved the logic for performing pruning job based records to solve an issue where performance of PruneCompletedStandaloneJobs SP is abnormally slow compared to PruneCompletedWorkflowsWithJobs.
- Updated flex_sequencemanifest_service to run as root user for 2021.12.x.
- Fixed an issue where an audio track is distorted when rendering an asset from FSP.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Marker durations in the Custom Markers tab and in the Marker Search Result table are displayed :/;ff rather than ms.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where audio sometimes plays muted in FlexMAM.
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.6 and 2021.12.7
flex_db_pruner | flex_fileprocessor_service | flex_indexelastic_service | flex_job |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service | flex_jobengine_service | flex_master | flex_metadata_service |
flex_streamprocessor_service | flex_search_app |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Added a new index, MIO_WORKFLOW, to improve workflow scheduling performance when the workflow table contains many records
- To ensure that the job quota counters in Redis are synched correctly with the Database and do not get stuck, the time interval between each instance of the timer task SyncJobLimitTimerTask has been reduced.
- Support for channelSplit on output audio profile for stitch, sequence and transcode jobs added. Improved support for handling unknown audio channel layouts across stitch, sequence and transcode jobs added.
- Additional endpoint added to retrieve the entityInfo of an asset associated to a UDO.
- Events are raised whenever a child object is added/removed to/from a UDO.
- Revised the way VFSLocation paths are fetched from the FlexResourceApiFacade cache to ensure that the correct path is received.
- Enable publishing captions in videos when using the Publish to YouTube action. This action integrates with the YouTube Captions API.
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- New external user creation retrieves all existing workspace members and then adds the new user to the workspace by sending it together with the list of existing members. This prevents existing members being removed whilst the new member is added to the workspace.
- Fixed an issue where child assets of an archived asset could not be imported. Fixed by removing a check to verify that a parent asset was not archived.
- There was an issue that a user could not edit a metadata instance that they have rights for because they did not have edit rights to a different multi-option variable instance in the Metadata Definition (that they were not editing). Fixed the issue that was caused by incorrect handling of permissions for empty values in the schema.
- Event accountId is used for filtering visible Event Handlers instead of ownerId. This prevents errors if a particular user is deleted from the system.
- MPEG-DASH plays as HLS in the Flex Review app, in order to allow the use of those formats in Review.
- Fixed a download wizard that did not work because of mistakes in the UI syntax and in the signed URL generation.
- Fixed an issue where job scheduler was not checking resource availability for jobs correctly because of errors in the resource check cache. This was resulting in unresponsive jobs that were remaining in a Pending state.
- Fixed an issue where Asset and Resource listing did not work if a secret is not found in flex-secrets-service.
- Fixed an issue where a user that does not have permissions for a workspace but does have ACL access to assets that are children in a UDO could not see the assets. The issue was fixed by the system checking ACL permissions when a user does not have workspace permissions.
- Fixed issue where Baton QC Plugin was sending malformed xml request.
- Fixed an issue where Legacy SDK was not able to invoke disallowed method: class tv.nativ.mio.api.services.WorkspaceServiceImpl.updateGroupMembers().
- Upgraded FSP to solve a problem of bad proxies being generated by FSP 9.1.5.
- Fixed a fileprocessor issue where a job would indefinitely repeat if the source file has already been purged.
- Removing an Asset from a UDO does not log an event against the asset or UDO object.
- Fixed an issue where FlexStreamProcessor jobs were failing failing after upgrade to 9.1.10.
- Fixed an issue where a Restore Action on an already restored asset does not update the expiry date.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to save metadata in the FlexMAM after a script had modified metadata in the same metadata instance. Variable names in a Metadata Definition must be unique. More than one variable with the same name in a Metadata Definition is not allowed.
- Fixed an issue where FlexStreamProceesor stitch job fails.
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Marker tab listing updates.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Changed the styles in table settings to better match the overall design.
- Fixed an issue where the player Timecode field did not update when jumping to a timeline marker. If the timecode field is edited, then the user jumps to a timeline marker, the timecode field will keep the edited value.
- Fixed an issue where the Custom Marker summary page displayed incorrect timecodes for some Custom Marker Templates.
- Fixed an issue where during an asset preview, played audio tracks were switched, instead of simultaneously playing.
- Fixed an issue where playing a custom marker selection did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the playhead was not jumping to zero timecode (first frame of the media) when entering 00:00:00:00 in the timecode field.
- Fixed an issue where saving a template failed in Manage Templates.
- Fixed in issue in FlexMAM where the playhead in the player did not jump to 00:00:00:00 when selecting a custom marker with timecode zero.
- Fixed an issue where Bulk Metadata Edit failed for tags, rating, and taxonomy fields.
- Fixed an issue where the wizard drop down list was closing when the scroll bar was released so it was not possible to select a wizard to run.
- Fixed an issue in FlexMAM where the playhead was not jumping to zero timecode when typing in 00:00:00:00 into a comment timecode.
- Fixed an issue where FlexMAM player keyboard shortcuts only work once the user click the play button. After the fix, the keyboard shortcuts for the player are active as soon as the asset loads in the Manage page.
- Fixed an issue in FlexMAM where using the Keyboard shortcut “Space” scrolls down the “Customer Maker” display page. Fixed by updating scroll bars in the Search app so they cannot be controlled by the keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where the vertical scroll bar is not returning to the top of the page after changing the listing page, for example when clicking reload or performing a search query.
- Fixed an issue where field of type Complex with a column layout did not respect user permissions, allowing more than the permitted read-only function.
- Fixed an issue where the download icon appeared on assets that could not be downloaded, misleading the users.
- Fixed an issue where markers IN and OUT displayed incorrect timecodes on markers panel.
- Fixed an issue where the Download button was only available after a clip was played.
- Fixed an issue where the Enter key in the Num Keyboard does not work when searching from the Search bar in FlexMAM.
- Fixed an issue in search queries where variant types were not displayed in the dropdown filter. Issue fixed so that when looking for Variant. suggestions, variants are passed in the resourceTypes parameter and not as an object type so they appear in the drop down list.
- Fixed an issue where the Marker type drop down list was not displayed in the Marker tab when clicking in the Marker header column to filter Markers.
- Fixed an issue where clicking the Save button in the Metadata tab in FlexMAM was overwriting non editable fields.
- Fixed an issue where a workflow wizard launched from the collection did not include the timecode In and the timecode Out, as it does when launched from the Player.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong icon type was displayed for audio assets associated to a UDO.
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.5 and 2021.12.6
2021.12.5 | 2021.12.6 |
mongo_version: 1.0.9 | mongo_version: 1.1.5 |
flex_authentication_service_version: 14.2.25 | flex_authentication_service_version: |
flex_eventhandler_service_version: | flex_eventhandler_service_version: |
flex_events_service_version: 6.0.15 | flex_events_service_version: |
flex_hotfolder_service_version: | flex_hotfolder_service_version: |
flex_job_version: 2021.12.5 | flex_job_version: 2021.12.6 |
flex_master_version: 2021.12.5 | flex_master_version: 2021.12.6 |
flex_metadata_service_version: | flex_metadata_service_version: |
flex_reviewer_app_version: | flex_reviewer_app_version: |
flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.1.10 | flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.2.5 |
flex_videoproxy_service_version: 1.2.28-1 | flex_videoproxy_service_version: 1.8.0-3 |
flex_xtendadobepanel_app_version: | flex_xtendadobepanel_app_version: |
flex_globalheader_app_version: | flex_globalheader_app_version: |
flex_search_app_version: 4.0.329.50.1 | flex_search_app_version: 4.0.329.72 |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Added an option to skip automatic import from the Vantage/Amberfin import plugin
- Improve code which checks for failed workflow for any Asset
- Whilst parsing technical metadata results for MXF files with the Extract Tech Metadata action an exception was returned. The source of the exception was the dropFrame property. To fix the problem , the dropFrame property is derived from FSP.FormatContext.timecode if it exists. If it doesn’t exist, it is derived from videoStreamContext in JobExecution library.
- Fixed issue where running Export Package action on spanned media only exports the first file. This issue was fixed by the system checking if export is found for SpannedMediaAsset, then the Export command reads the files from media context FileInfos and copies those to the target folder specified in the configuration.
- Jobs in workflows were completing but were not triggering the next job. Workflows now always trigger the next job after a job is completed, if configured, solving any deadlock issues.
- Use rational number based fractional frame rates in Java Timecode library (version 2) to store time elapsed by a timecode. This improves accuracy when large timecodes are used.
- Fixed endless loop issue when requesting asset information for images
- Improved how timecode information is captured, stored and delivered
- Output profiles updated to enable specific configuration for explicit or template modes
- Improvements made to job progress reporting: Flex Media Processing Engine (FMPE) reports realtime progress for all jobs including stages and the concept of job history
- Add asset/UDO metadata instance update conflict detection to Core UI to prevent two users from updating the same metadata instance simultaneously
- Add metadata revision support to asset and UDO metadata REST API. The metadata instance revision is returned as an HTTP header when running a GET command.
- Users could not see events relating to objects that exist in a different workspace to the one the current user is in. To prevent this behavior, workspace is now ignored when viewing events in Flex Core.
- A “version” attribute has been added to the technical metadata of Flex assets.
- Added support for using the formatcontext timecode if the videostream timecode is not defined
- Enable support for a configurable watcher that is decoupled from resume stuck/timedout jobs on restart. To improve the mechanism for watching jobs in case of a restart, different KVs were implemented for running/queued/timed out job thresholds. In addition, a configurable initial delay KV for starting the watcher has been added together with a configurable KV for the periodic interval the watcher runs at.
- Additional information added to the API response when retrieving information from assets so that the correct asset type is retrieved to display the correct icon for the asset type
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- The drop down selection field defined in a metadata definition used in a wizard was displaying assets that have already been purged from the system. This issue fixed the problem where a metadata asset list displays assets that have already been purged from the system.
- When editing the details of a Timed Action, it was not possible to save the changes due to this error: “Mandatory “Interval” field is missing”. The issue was solved by adding a hidden input field to pass the interval value whilst updating the JEF Timed Script.
- A bug in Core REST API did not return the correct values for fileSize and compressionLevel. To solve this, ImageContext fileSize and compressionLevel changes have been backported to 2021.12.5
- Fixed an issue where deleted assets were not being displayed in the Search results. Issue fixed by adding a condition that if “deleted” is present in the FDL query, the default “only non-deleted” filter is not applied by ElasticSearch
- When converting subtitles to different formats, the output file has a timestamp that is completely different from the input file. To solve this, timestamp in/out is processed as frame or milliseconds timestamp depending on the origin source format of the subtitles. The change is applied to SrtEncoder, TtmlEncoder, WebVttEncoder.
- Fix applied to solve the issue that JEF TimedAction did not supporting expression resolution: 2021.12.x + 2021.5.x
- Fixed an issue where failed workflows were not excluded from the Concurrent Jobs Limit
- Fixed an issue where the asset creation date was reset when importing a file to a placeholder asset
- Fixed an issue where users belonging to specific workspaces could not see the Workflow Variable in the Workflow Panel. Fixed by skipping the workspace check, ensuring the display of the variables in the Workflow panel by any user.
- Fixed and issue where workflows did not start from the inbox if the inbox had group visibility
- Flex Enterprise: Getting System Error message while creating a Timed Action
- Fixed Baton QC Plugin sending malformed xml request after upgrade
- Fixed issue where DPX image sequences converted from HDR to SDR result in black frames
- Fixed issue where scheduler jobs were delayed by unresponsive resource
- Fixed an issue where child UDOs of a shared parent UDO are not getting loaded
- Fixed an issue where assets visible via ACLs which are a port of a UDO structure did not appear without a page refresh
- Fixed an issue where scripts logs did not appear in the history tab for scripts. Flex Core History tab now shows all events, regardless of the user’s assigned workspaces
- Resolved a bug in ffmpeg that was causing frames proxy creation jobs to fail. FSP updated.
- Added support for special characters in taxonomy name, category and taxons
- Fixed issue where extracting metadata resulted in an unwanted slash character, resulting in a 403 error
- Fixed issue where transcoding jobs hang indefinitely because of lost connection to AWS S3 storage
- Fixed issue where proxies creation fails when during times of high load
- Fixed issue where proxies for QuickTime AVC files failed to create
- Fixed an issue where DPX images were wrongly identified as a YUV format
- Fixed issue where video fails to ingest where timecode does not start at zero
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Duration added as a metadata column in templates for custom markers
- Access tab added to support sharing UDO assets to users that are not members of the UDO workspace
- Change fullscreen player background colour so it easier to determine if there are black bars if they are part of the video or they have been added by to the UI in CSS
- Column search and sort settings in the Markers tab are remembered in later sessions
- To create markers of a specific type, hotkeys for adding markers have been created in the Manage Page
- The fmpVisible flag is now used for suggestions and regular search results resulting in a marginal increase in performance
- Media duration now displayed as ‘time’ instead of ‘timecode’ in Technical Metadata panel, i.e. HH:MM:SS.MILLISEC
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where a group asset inside a group asset is not displayed
- Improved the error message in FlexMAM when you could not create a child/sub-child UDO under the parent UDO
- Fixed an issue where if an account does not have an account setting defined in the FlexADMIN app or in the Flex user setting service, no image preview is displayed.
- Fixed an issue where the duration of a Spanned Clip asset was not displayed in the Assets Results table.
- Fixed an issue where dragging an asset from the Collection items view page to a different collection fails because an invalid itemkey field is being passed to the endpoint. It is now possible to drag an asset from the collection items view page in the same way you drag from the Search Results table.
- Fixed an issue where when performing bulk edit metadata, existing values of complex child variables that are not modified are overwritten instead of merged
- Audio assets do not start playback as expected when clicking the Play button once. Fixed an issue in the audio player’s preloading and frame accuracy logic that required the user to have to click the play button twice.
- Subtitle asset added to standard supported FlexMAM set This fix means that when selecting a UDO that contains a subtitle asset as a child, the asset and its children arealways displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the timestamp was displayed incorrectly on comments created in REVIEW app
- Fixed an issue where the My Task section was impacted by actions by other users. The fix made sure that updates made by users other than the current user are isolated from the current users My Task section.
- Fixed an issue where performing a search using a taxonomy group raised ambiguity in the FQL query resulting in incorrect search results
- Fixed an issue where an audio asset is playing in Audio Player but the slider does not move. Issue fixed by removing the reliance on requestVideoFrameCallback in Audio Player
- Fixed an issue where performing a search for an asset from the ‘Manage Media’ page, the Search Results table opened but no search results were displayed.
- Fixed issue where action configuration fails to populate when creating import job
- Fixed an issue where a collection was not being created because the variant did not have a metadata schema associated to it. To prevent creating a collection failing, the variant Id is not sent to the collection service if no metadata schema is required.
- Fixed an issue where the Manage Page of an asset failed to refresh on keyframe extraction due to a pooling process
- Admin app UI improvements - menu area does not match the design
- Review timeline comments are not displayed correctly in FlexMAM when the Start of Material is non-zero
List of Services upgraded between 2021.12.4 and 2021.12.5
2021.12.4 | 2021.12.5 |
flex_fastobject_service_version: | flex_fastobject_service_version: |
flex_fileprocessor_service_version: 1.3.51-1 | flex_fileprocessor_service_version: 1.4.1 |
flex_indexelastic_service_version: | flex_indexelastic_service_version: |
flex_job_version: 2021.12.4 | flex_job_version: 2021.12.5 |
flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: | flex_jobasyncexecutor_service_version: |
flex_master_version: 2021.12.4 | flex_master_version: 2021.12.5 |
flex_metadatadesigner_app_version: | flex_metadatadesigner_app_version: |
flex_metadatamerge_service_version: 5.1.26 | flex_metadatamerge_service_version: |
flex_metadata_service_version: | flex_metadata_service_version: |
flex_reviewer_app_version: 5.3.15 | flex_reviewer_app_version: |
flex_searchelastic_service_version: | flex_searchelastic_service_version: |
flex_sequencemanifest_service_version: 0.1.35 | flex_sequencemanifest_service_version: 0.2.45 |
flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 8.10.0 | flex_streamprocessor_service_version: 9.1.10 |
flex_taxonomy_service_version: 3.2.32 | flex_taxonomy_service_version: |
flex_webtransfer_app_version: | flex_webtransfer_app_version: |
flex_writeobject_service_version: 5.2.11 | flex_writeobject_service_version: |
flex_fmpadmin_app_version: | flex_fmpadmin_app_version: |
flex_globalheader_app_version: | flex_globalheader_app_version: |
flex_search_app_version: 4.0.329.33 | flex_search_app_version: 4.0.329.50 |
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Inject the jobcontext variable with imported id and set asset context when importing a Project, Edit, CameraCard or Spanned Media asset
- Event Handler Service: Support system property expressions in Event Handler expression configurations
- Fixed an issue where the concurrent limit for workflows and actions was not observed when retrying a failed job
- Add an Admin app setting to configure whether to load a parent image or a proxy version of the image
- Import Project (Edit, CameraCard and Spanned Media) to inject jobcontext variable with imported id and set asset context
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Error in creating UDO/ Unapprove options not required for UDO
- Restore failing in SendCloudArchiveRestoreRequestExecutionStep if proper executionStepData was not stored before
- Fixed an issue where role inheritance via group seems to omit object permissions
- Fixed an issue where there was an error on move action from S3 to S3
- CreateProxy/Composition/Transcode follow Extract Tech Metadata follow internal step could get stuck if FSP fails + enableExtractTechMetadataAfterTranscode
- Fixed an issue where shared Child UDOs after first level are not listed for a user the parent is shared to (on view UDO page)
- Fixed an issue where View asset link is not displayed on workflow details page for Spanned Media Asset
- Fixed an issue where View asset link is not displayed on workflow details page for Camera Card Asset
- “Asset View“ icon is not available for spanned media asset if import job is executed via API
- "Resume" button should not be enabled for completed tasks
- Fixed an issue where there was an authorization error when running a workflow with JEF scripts from API
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Dash player to use labels to select audio tracks. Labels must be unique.
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed a UI issue on action execution page in protocol selection dropdown
- Fixed an issue where the Details tab values missing after upgrade
- Missing poster image on the package summary panel
- Fixed an issue where FlexMAM scroll bars were difficult to click and drag
- Variables timestampIn and timestampOut being set for Toolbar wizards
- Master keyframe is not displayed on player for spanned media asset
- Tag thesaurus field - invalid validation fixed
- Fixed a UI issue for single select field for Complex field tablular view
- Fixed an issue with Sort in the Default Marker Template
- Fixed an issue where when performing bulk edit metadata, values of complex child variables are overwritten instead of merged
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Fixed account switching functionality issues
- Improvement correctness of summary counts in Data Aggregation
- Complex fields are now editable and set to “true” when saving the metadata definition
- Users with no access to a workspace can view shared UDOs from that workspace
- Camera Card: cloud archive and full restore
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Enterprise search APIs: when a client paginates beyond the last page of results, and metadata criteria or searchText are specified, then erroneous results are returned where none should be
- API in Staging is not returning the complete items
- Not able to switch the workspace
- Metadata Designer: Timeline Group Icon is not visible.
- When uploading files with webtransfer WFs are not triggered and webtransfer is throwing a 500 internal error
- "codec" parameter appearing as "Unknown" under videoStreamContexts in publish API call for asset
- Error in workflow while awaiting external JEF vantage plugin completion
- Account workspace disappeared after accessing job/workflows of another workspace
- Job scheduler delayed by unresponsive resource
- Fixed an issue where keyframe extract was taking a long time
- Search API returns wrong objects when the offset is used
- [Adobe Xtend]: Can't acess the setting button if your home page has more than 10K results
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Respect field level permissions for column layout fields in FMP
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- [FMP]: Previewing the asset for the first time doesn't return the sound
- Fixed an issue where export to CSV created an incorrect filename
- Fixed an issue where the arrow icon in interface doesn't change as expected
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where certain asset types were missing ResourceType enum
- Fixed an issue where Web Uploader fails for VOB files
- Event Handler Service: allow expression filter access to an asset variant
- Dedicated priority per action configuration for Workflow Actions
- Add support for search of Camera Card and Spanned Media asset types in Flex Core and in FlexMAM
- Clip duration count is always in frames to better support the export of Flex Sequence to AAF
- Support parsing of AAF files from vfsLocation
- Extract technical metadata from spanned media assets
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where If an Enterprise API query is delegated to SearchElastic, and sets the parameter Deleted to “true” or “null”, the SearchElastic would fail to return deleted records
- Fixed an issue where NodeJS logging metrics were all labeled as undefined
- Fixed an issue where Media import failed due to special characters or spaces in the file path
- {workflow.mioObject.owner.id} expression should now be replaced with {workflow.mioObject.createdBy.id} in task definitions
- Fixed an issue where values were set incorrectly with a lingering expression
- Fixed an issue where and expression-enabled job variable was incorrectly set in a job
- Fixed issues where JEF-script-timed action would not execute properly when triggered after a canceled job
- Fixed an issue where JEF jobs completed despite an incorrect External IDs variable expression
- Fixed a job execution issue in the new eventHandler plugin
- JEF Script Multi Decision/Decision throwing error
- Fixed a Jobasyncexecutor issue where jobs are queued after flex restart
Enhancements DaletFlex
- FastObject service does not return parent information for assets with a UDO / generic object parent
- Align chunk times on video frame boundaries to prevent discrepancies between the duration of an image sequence and the generated HLS proxy
- Search/View for jobs and workflows is independent of workspace. Workspace permissions is skipped when searching/viewing/making an API call for jobs and workflows
- Improve locking while getting/setting workflow variables and executing job by introducing new KV and using feature toggle to keep existing behavior
- Update job scheduler weights to support different job priorities
- Add consul KV flex/flex-streamprocessor-service/forceProgressiveOutput support for FSP. Use to solve an issue where proxy files had green frames.
- Remove shared folder from "Resource Type" dropdown from resources listing page since there is no Shared Folder implementation in Flex.
- Fixed and issue where image overlay for stitch or sequence job fails if target is local filesystem
- Update to latest stable ffmpeg to prevent errors when extracting keyframes from HLS proxy versions
- Update/Merge automatically configurations (Action, Resource...) with new version updates
- Support fmpVisible flag in suggestions endpoint
- JAE to filter RUNNING messages so that if there is no progress in a job then no job status message is sent.
- Added support for drop frame support for fractional framerate (29.97f/59.94f) NDF to support timecode + capturing richer info
- Fixed a number of inconsistencies in API Asset Technical Metadata fields which were throwing exception when null values were used/not used.
- Add filter to retrieve only certain subtitle formats
- Storage DR: Proxy
- Matching Storage Resource in Multiple Copies: support multiple copies if the storage resources has a subpath
- Camera Card: HotFolder support to import camera card assets
- Spanned Media Asset: HotFolder support added to import spanned media assets
- Added support for drop frame support for fractional framerate (29.97f/59.94f) NDF to support timecode + capturing richer info
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue with frame accuracy problem in player for 29.97 and 59.94 FPS files having no start time code
- Asset view link should not be enabled for job and workflow instance view for a user who does not have Switch Account & Workspaces permissions
- Flex Xtend Adobe Panel: Fixed an issue where the attachment of high res with proxy is not working when working in Windows
- Fixed an issue where Dalet Flex http client did not URI encode query and matrix parameter values so that requests to downstream services, such as My Tasks list, were failing
- Fixed an issue where using “Fixed interval” calculation for frame extract can cause repeated frame extracts in a loop
- Account login not working for specific account where System Property tv.nativ.mi.console.menu.submenu = true.
- Fixed a job where FSP jobs are failing if interlace format in associated profile is anything other than "Progressive"
- Fixed an issue where FSP was not recognising timecode stream
- Fixed an issue where a new keyframe does not override the previous master keyframe
- Fixed an issue where report templates and documentation was missing
- Fixed an issue where the 2021.12.0 upgrade failing due to job waiting for flex-registry-service
- Fixed an issue where Enterprise API did not map AssetAPIQuery.frameRate field to FQL so that the filter for asset API queries was not applied
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to set several master keyframes.
- Fixed an issue where Enterprise API does not map AssetAPIQuery.parentAssetId field to FQL
- Fixed an issue where FastObject service does not return parent information for assets with a UDO / generic object parent
- Update flex-elasticsearch-library to check version conflicts when using deleteByQuery function. A retryable annotation has been added to the deleteByQuery logic so that the function is rerun if a version conflict is discovered.
- Internal improvements to overcome the known issue of Extract Technical Metadata job after a Transcode/CreateProxy taking a long time
- Fixed an issue where the executor handling unknown job id was causing a bottleneck and infinite loop. Issue was caused because job data was removed from the redis repository and the Error handler was trying to restart the job using job data that had been removed from the system.
- Fixed an issue where Hot Folders using Azure storage resources that were configured with a root path were not recognizing files placed in the Hot Folder
- Update default value of editable flag in complex metadata field to true
- Fixed an issue where the UDO display name was displayed differently in Flex Core UI and in API
- Support interlace format in transcode profile
- Fixed a Rest Error in Transcode Action where an Azure container is being used
- Fixed an issue where standalone External Wizard were not displayed in FMP
- MAM Wizard button does not display standalone wizards
- Fixed an issue where users could not load their My Task list after logging in using Azure AD SSO
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete custom markers (from the UI) when they are being deleted too quickly
- Fixed an issue where image sequence import was failing because the format was being flagged by BDAV anti virus software
- New presets added to FSP
- Fixed an issue where AS02 proxies appear green in FMP
- Fixed an issue where frames proxy creation was failing with error code 255
- Fixed an issue where MAM UI displays purged annotations
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Implemented support in Flex player for correct NDF clock display of 29.97 and 59.94 frame rates
- Display only FMP compatible subtitles in the player dropdown in FMP
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where Take generic Task\collection task gives error 400
- Fixed an issue where users could not load their My Task list after logging in using Azure AD SSO
- Fixed an issue where Save search is not working as expected
- Fixed an issue where start time code is not consistence between asset TCR, player and technical metadata
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to set an uploaded keyframe as master keyframe and the supplied title and description were not saved
- Fixed an issue where old UDO icons were not accessible
- Fixed an issue where new browser tabs being opened from FlexMAM were being opened in existing tabs instead of creating new ones
Enhancements DaletFlex
- Update/Merge automatically configurations (Action, Resource...) with new version updates
- Storage DR: Proxy
- Flex Camera Card Asset Type
- Recommend similar content
- Flex Edit Asset type
- Search - Value suggestions
- Adobe Premiere Projects support in Flex - MVP completion
- Hot Folder Service - Phase2. New Flex Hot Folder Service implemented
- FlexXTEND - User profile and logout
- Return existing and new string workflow variables from scripting plugin jobs
- 2021.5.5 Enterprise/API pairing with min. default values
- Add support of subpath in vfsLocation when matching Storage Resource in multiple copies
- Camera Card: FileInfo context file added
- Selector Policy: Custom Configurable Selector Policy created for Storage resource selector policy in Folder resource configuration
- Create Proxy (Transcode) to generate Segmented Asset as Managed asset
- Image Sequence: support start-time in image_sequence Plugin Schema (Metadata Definition)
- Action Configuration Merge: merge on summary or /actions/actionId access
- Action Configurartion Merge: show latest plugin version in UI
- Action Configuration Merge: transaction failing and silently capturing exception with no errors
- Support added to enable/disable a Run menu in FMP to group all asset actions (Purge, Publish etc).
- Spanned Media Asset: To support Spanned Media Assets (first file and list of spanned files), SpannedMediaFileDetails and SpannedMediaFileInfo related files created
- Camera Card: Import Camera root folder and files in root folder. Content to import is configurable.
- Camera Card: New object type added including ability to support all basic functionalities: import, proxy playing, create place holder, search asset, get/set metadata, asset summary, search asset with new type
- Spanned Media Asset: JEF CameraCardImport plugin created to import a Camera Card and Spanned Media Assets (single or multiple assets)
- Spanned Media Asset: Support of cloud archive/restore for spanned media asset
- Spanned Media Asset: Support of Extract Technical Metadata for spanned media asset
- REST API:File exists flag added in get asset API when includeDetails equals true
- Add a setting for the language used by login and FMP GUI. The property can be set at account level or user level. If No language is set on the account level, the user level setting is used.
- Spanned Media Asset: New object type added including ability to create place holder, search asset, get/set metadata, asset summary, metadata merge
- MediaAsset: R3D added to the list of supported formats
- Session token upgrade to improve security: Java Authorization Provider updated so that 'mio_auth' preauth for external access etc. generates new-style sessions instead of legacy access tokens
- Add Index & Search Elastic Services support for Flex Project and Flex Edit objects
- Add object level tags at indexing time, from Tag Service API so that the tags can be searched by Elastic Search
- JEF Import Project: Import Project plugin created to import Adobe .prproj with referenced source MediaAsset (using fcpxml file)
- Legacy Core plugins have been marked as obsolete in favor of their JEF equivalents.
- Modified code to update all (asset/udo) having older definition with latest definition after completing merge job.
- New Login app: Maintain state of account details and account metadata
- As part of Search- value suggestions, add a GraphQL endpoint for suggestions. Update fields that are returned for suggestions OR allow dynamic fieldsToReturn query parameter
- Index an 'fmpVisible' boolean flag into Elasticsearch, based on the existing static FQL query added by FMP
- Extract Technical Metadata: improve error message if an error occurred in a job when ignoreJobFailure is true in the launch job action in the workflow
- Enterprise Action to control which JEF available version to view/edit/run: Enterprise Action command to run always later
- Enterprise Action to control which JEF available version to view/edit/run...: REST API & UI useLatestAvailableVersion, prevPluginVersion
- Session token upgrade: remove deprecated code in both NodeJS and Java service-support / AuthorizationProvider libraries.
- Enterprise Action to control which JEF available version to view/edit/run, now default to latest on execution but original version for viewing/edit: II (Action to select when to merge)
- JEF Export Project: Export Project plugin created to export Adobe .prproj with/without referenced source MediaAsset
- JEF LaunchVantageWorkflow: using S3 bucket with credentials mirrored in Vantage: Original/Output
- Flex JEF SDK: add context.setAsset setFlexObject methods
- Enterprise Action to control which JEF available version to view/edit/run, now default to latest on execution but original version for viewing/edit
- Hot Folder Service: Support for importing Side Car XML implemented in the new Flex Hot Folder Service
- Flex Xtend AME Panel: Update flui dependencies for 2021.12.0
- Add null check for FormatContext.duration and VideoStream.frameRate when it accessed in Flex-Enterprise
- Flex Xtend Adobe Panel: Update flex-search-ui version for 2021.12.0
- JEF Export Edit: Sequence -> AAF AT
- JEF Export Edit: AAF filler sound and TC track
- JEF Export Edit: create internal AAF xml to prepare for FSP Create: CompositionPackage
- JEF Export Edit: create internal AAF xml to prepare for FSP Create: EssenceDescription
- JEF Export Edit: create internal AAF xml to prepare for FSP Create: SourcePackage
- JEF Import Project: import Adobe .prproj with referenced source MediaAsset (using fcpxml file): configuration and baseline logic
- JEF Export Edit AAF: export new created .aaf along with referenced source assets
- Enterprise Action to control which JEF available version to view/edit/run...: feat toggle enableUseLatestPluginVersion + useLatestAvailableVersion, prevPluginVersion
- JEF Export Edit: create internal AAF xml to prepare for FSP Create
- JEF Export Edit: AAF Create ExecutionStep to call TR
- JEF Import Project: import Adobe .prproj without referenced source MediaAsset
- Flex Enterprise: Remove the support to switching back to embedded hazelcast from Enterprise and Write Object Service
- JEF Export Edit: create AAF (later fcp.xml in the future) from Flex Sequence (no source reference exported )
- FCP xml: Parse files to Flex Sequence
- Fixed and issue where image overlay for stitch or sequence job fails if target is local filesystem
- Upgrade the AWS SDK version to V3 for Xtend Panel and AME Panel
- Flex Mobile app Backend: Set the error handling structure
- Flex Mobile app Backend: Migrate to a GraphQL template
- Add further retry logic and improve error detail logging
- Separate Quartz Cluster for Resource Polling and Polling Commands. Resource polling is done on flex-master nodes only and polling command execution is only done in flex-job nodes.
- Remove all deprecated Enterprise event handlers
- Changes in Job Scheduler to improve the processing of pending jobs have been merged to this LTS releases
- Sequence: Remove AudioProfileV2 and unitify AudioProfile as [] both for Request and Response
- Search Issue - Taking longer time to have results than usual
- JAE build failed: Sequence proxy related ATs are failed due to audioProfile mapping error - Update Apache VFS library to 2.9.0 in the Flex Filesystem Library, GCS and in Azure VFS libraries
- JEF Import Project: integrate FCP.xml parsing with FcpXmlParseExecutionStep
- Support static Metadata HDR extraction and HDR to SDR tone mapping
- Enterprise build is failing due to deadlock in jenkins pipeline
- Fixed an issue where FAILED Job Status Is Not Handled Properly
- Use the external authentication account metadata to set default owner, timezone and country code for the external users to be created
- CreateUser API has been extended to allow you to set the default owner of the user being created
- To avoid errors in Kibana around resource polling, verified that quartz job and trigger are removed when a resource is destroyed
- Remove legacy GroovyClassLoaderResetMessage scripting service from master branch
- Metadata Designer: Header logo updated to Dalet Flex logo
- SAR and DAR numerator and denominator to be exposed via SDKs
- Flex Metadata Designer: It takes ~ 15 secs to create a MD object, so the code was changed so that a metadata entity is created more quickly
- Remove deprecated code from flex-authorisation-service
- Get/Delete Multiple metadata Rest API call for collections should at least return/delete objects that the user has permissions for and not throw a blanket exception
- Added an option to synch IDP groups with Flex using groups external ID rather than the Flex user group name.
- Fixed an issue with a Vantage-Multiple-Input workflow that was failing to work if asset-context is empty but parent content is not empty [Originally was: Not able to derive asset context / parent asset context. if those are provided via expression enabled]
- Implement a watchdog timer to discover stuck active jobs caused by FSP instance termination and to re-queue them
- Implemented the ability to assign a service user as the owner of a workflow, so the workflow is performed even if the user who triggered the workflow does not have rights for all the actions performed by the workflow
- Make account name reference available to Wizard URL expression evaluation when a wizard created on the master account is used on client accounts
- JEF Hot Folder: Max Depth default value is displayed as 0
Fixed Issues DaletFlex
- Fixed an issue where objects in Master Account were not listed in a search in the logged in account even if the object has visibility in the logged in account being searched.
- Fixed an issue where Wizards were not work in FMP by setting a Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy response header
- Fixed an issue where the validation action is not working
- Fixed an issue where Search stops working after DELETE /api/httpclient performed
- Fixed an issue where Import of MPD file is failing. Issue fixed by downgrading the 3rd party library to Java 8 so it would be compatible with Flex Enterprise and ignoring failed ATs.
- Fixed an issue where Core app opens up intermittently when opened from FMP
- Web Uploader MIME Type Support: Added support for .avi and .mpg files
- Add scheduled task monitoring to liveness check of JAE
- Fixed an issue where create composition is not working for some AS02 files when the job fails in FSP and then FSP retries the job.
- Fixed an issue where the action configuration merge failing with this error: tv.nativ.mio.metadata.variable.MioVariableException: Root variables must have the same name
- Fixed an issue where UDOs are not searchable in QA1
- Fixed an issue where there was a system error while trying to copy jef-script-timed action by updating the mechanism of the copying a timed action
- Fixed an issue where search is not working properly by object variable (in Metadata Options) in Asset advance search
- Not able to execute Create Composition Proxy action on CPL asset in cross workspace scenario
- CM: unable to push new enterprise actions due to recent introduction of useLatestAvailableVersion field
- Fixed an issue where create proxy job is failing
- Fixed an issue "fileSize" parameter is missing from publish API call by using the “Size” field when publishing
- IMP asset members not moved when "Workspace Move" action executed on IMP asset.
- Add ability to retrieve collections shared to all users in an account to the collections API endpoint
- Fixed an issue where demux action is not working
- Fixed an issue where move workspace action was failing on CPL assets by removing the access on object workspace permissions check for the owner of the action
- Variable Key/Value should be updated with failed node name of FORK child workflow
- Fixed an issue where when uploading files approximately less than 64kB to Flex, the ingest workflows are not always triggered.
- Fixed an issue where Timed Actions were failing to run post upgrade
- Fixed an issue where hitting enterprise URL in an adjacent tab shows blank page when there is an active FMP session.
- GET calls in REST API have matrixParam marked as Required even though in practice they are not mandatory
- Fixed an issue where Publish to Facebook with a Draft setting was always published as "Published"
- Fixed an issue where Import Edit AAF fails when run on a sequence referencing source assets multiple times in the composition or referencing a source asset a single time but with AAF have muliple time references because ImportEssenceDescriptor + CDCIDescription are using the same URL (for example)
- JEF Amberfin: plugin throws system error due to a wrong configuration of variables for the Output Storage Resource.
- Replace MioObjectType with judicious use of the ObjectTypeEnum, plus some special cases
- JEF- Move action is failing on AS02 package asset
- Fixed an issue where asset context input is not working for a package asset
- JEF Amberfin: Fixed an issue where Amberfin job fails with null pointer exception when retrying even though the configuration has been fixed
- FMP/Enterprise Timecode issues. Wrong Timecode calculation: microseconds to frameCount (hence timecode) issue. Fixed an issue where timecode class (e.g.: used in Groovy API) was using round instead of ceil to convert from frame count to microseconds.
- FMP/Enterprise-UI drop-frame inconsistency with Enterprise Timecode class used in scripting (and REST API)
- Fixed an issue where user permissions are not applied and data is saved even though the user does not have edit permissions
- Fixed an issue when a tag/taxon is renamed or enabled/disabled, the tag/taxon is not updated for annotations which are indexed as part of Assets
- Fixed an issue where Enterprise does not delete metadata from ArangoDB related to old Metadata Definition Entity
- For asset having FPS - 29.97,59.94 if the start timecode is displayed incorrectly, Flex Reviewer does not work
- Fixed an issue where the Thesaurus icon is not appearing and enable/disable Thesaurus event message is displayed wrongly
- Fixed an issue where Search Asset by bitrate using API does not return records as per given criteria
- JEF Amberfin: Fixed an issue where it was possible to launch a JEF Amberfin job to create more than one child asset with proxy as asset origin
- Flex Hot Folder Service: Continuous error for hot folder on QA3
- Fixed an issue when a tag/taxon is renamed or enabled/disabled, tag/taxon is not updated for annotations.
- Added missing object TimelineAPIQuery to SDK to search for timelines using parameters such as name, displayName, type, group
- Fixed an issue where old MySQL metadata instances aren't deleted after migration by adding the ability to delete the data
- Fixed an issue where context.setWorkflowStringVariable is not working in JEF HTTP Message Result Processing and variables are not being processed properly
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to preview sequence
- Fixed an issue where previously ingested image sequence assets not reachable anymore in API
- [Azure AD]: Can't synchronise Azure AD groups with Flex groups if Flex has more than 100 groups
- Enable IdP to Flex Group membership sync - Doesn't seems to work
- SAML SSO Created By field doesn't follow the user that was set as Default Owner
- Key Frames generation takes up to 5 hours to be created from Archived Videos
- Fixed the getAccountProperty() method mismatch between the Legacy and JEF SDK
- Metadata merge failures on purged assets
- Metadata merge failures
Enhancements FlexMAM
- Create a mechanism to recommend similar content
- Create a mechanism to supply Suggested Value suggestions in Search
- Admin app - Restyling
- Increase maximum file upload sizes: 2MB for user profile image, app logo, favicon, keyframe. 10 MB for login background. Unlimited for metadata attachements.
- Remove the app versions tab that was displayed when clicking on the User Profile
- Implement an optional KV in Consul to enable/disable preloading of Preview in Summary Panel, Manage Screen and Task player
- Implement a mechanism for suggestions related to the Search input
- Create a Value suggestion box
- Recommend Box - card and listing behavior
- Set the behavior for te Recommend box: Show/hide setting/minimization/persistence etc
- Recommend – implement fql query mechanism to find recommendations
- Persist audio track panel height in session storage
- Summary panel - open functionality for a selected asset to open the asset in the manage/explore page
- Admin app setting-ui: account metadata and images
- Admin app setting-ui: applications management
- Admin app setting-ui: summary panels
- Admin app setting-ui: setup routing and watchers
- Admin app global-header: contextual search on admin app
- Admin app menu-ui: single account mode
- Admin app menu-ui: add user/group/workspace/account
- Admin app menu-ui: listing behavior
- Account level setting in admin app to apply a default search on login
- Fixed an iIssue with timeline Audio tracks
- Add/Modify Placeholder Text in Input Fields
- On adding a data in a row automatically create a new Row in Metadata Column Layout
- Export search results to CSV
- Player- disable preloading an asset when it is selected, begin download only when the user interacts with the player in some way
- Add Refresh button for search at the table level only
- Show master keyframe or default icon on player if there is no KV in Consul to enable preloading or the KV is set to false
Fixed Issues FlexMAM
- webvtt subtitle are not displayed in player of fmp
- UI changes on account details page
- Fixed an issue where an error was displayed when opening the Admin app from FlexMAM
- Fixed an issue where after login into fmp, loading icon is displayed for 40+ sec. ( app call response is completed after 30+ sec )
- Click on Type icon stopped working while create/edit template
- Intermittently single account mode not getting loaded
- UI and label issue on admin app pages
- FMP UDO Hierarchy -> Fixed an issue where single click on a UDO asset goes directly to the UDO Manage page instead of on double click
- Delete actions on asset fails from FMP (action is not running from fmp)
- Create root UDO fails
- Fixed an issue where Admin apps not available
- Modify user details after clicking the User logo are not saved and not reflected in enterprise
- Add one or two pixel space for collection actions icons
- To improve UX, put a loader on create user pop up
- Fixed an issue where the plural name was displayed for a UDO instead of the display name
- Fixed an issue where an error was displayed when uploading favicon and logo for new account and for old accounts
- Fixed an issue when account metadata is not getting loaded intermittently
- Markers In and Out Points doesn't show the updated time immediately after saving my changes
- Fixed an issue with the search icon in metadata
- Uploading a logo image shows wrong validation for image size and so upload fails
- Extract key frame has stopped working
- Time and Date metadata fields are always editable even if they are set to non-editable in the metadata definition
- Delete one UDO gives error on view UDO page after refresh instead of showing other sibling UDOs
- Error while setting default Table\Tile template from Admin app
- Fixed a UI issue when mouse hovers on search listing
- Fixed an issue where Ids instead of text is displayed for account, workspace, user in tile view
- UI issue on player clip bin area
- Click on search icon for integer\float variable gives error due to incorrect search query formation
- Fixed an issue where searching using Frame Rate is “other” returns an error
- Fixed an issue where Audio track naming in FlexMAM was different after 2020.12 UG
- Fixed an issue where Marker checkbox is getting checked when we check the Asset Checkbox by removing the check box from Marker View
- Fixed an issue where Share asset tab\Access tab is not available on asset after assigning manage ACL permission to a group via group role permission
- Fixed an issue where does not have access to Admin app and upload after assigning permissions via group role
- Fixed an issue where the value of PAR is different for an AS02 asset is different in FMP than in Enterprise
- Fixed a UI issue in FMP with long taxon name (100 characters)
- Support special characters asset name and special characters and spaces in workspace name
- Fixed an issue where from the Manage page, the downloaded file name for a keyframe was set as undefined_keygrame index instead of assetTitle-keyframe index
- Fixed an issue where the child caption file did not play in FlexMAM
- FlexMAM 2021.11.1 – Fixed an issue where UI seemed to be ignoring token verification so FlexMAM UI did not time out properly
- FlexMAM – Fixed an issue where 'Take Task' and 'Return' options are missing in 2021.11.1
- FlexMAM – Fixed an issue where Clip bin goes missing
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