Ooyala is excited to present the April 2020 release of OoyalaMAM, 2020.4.0.
This release of OoyalaMAM provides the new features and enhancements listed below.
- Users can now set the logo that appears on the login page and top left of the interface (via API).
- Users can now define a custom name for clip bin (via API).
- Users can now customise Clip Bin name and search table view (via API).
- Added support for defining a custom storage resource for audio waveform in the Ooyala Flex Media Platform.
- Image assets that are web friendly and less than 5MB no longer require a proxy to be created to display in the OoyalaMAM.
Asset Management
- Access: Added an access tab to the asset preview panel in OoyalaMAM that will allow permitted users to grant permission to user or user groups that do not have current access to an asset.
- Placeholders: Users can now create searchable video and image placeholders to manage asset metadata prior to asset ingest.
- Bulk: Added a quick actions panel to allow users to select multiple assets (with shift/cmd click) to click/drag and drop to add assets to a collection or recycle bin, create a group, or bulk edit metadata.
- Player: Added a button to allow users to select various playback speeds.
- Group Asset: Added support for image assets that are in a group to be displayed as a keyframe on search tiles.
- Template: Users can now edit and delete templates that they created, while other users are able to copy a template and make modifications.
- Introduced an additional option for the number of results that appear per page to 100.
Advanced search: The experience has been enhanced, as follows:
- A filter has been added on the search bar that will reveal an advanced filtering toolset.
- Users can now add/edit/delete a search assisted refinement that will guide their criteria entry to available key and values.
- The table header refinements and taxonomy selections now create a chip in the search bar for clearer search representation.
- Searchable fields in the metadata now show a search icon. When the user selects the icon, a chip is presented in the bar with the selected field and value.
- Switch results between assets or instances of marker.
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an issue where downloading a file fails when the asset name contains a hyphen.
- Fixed an issue that occurred when editing sequences with assets on the Azure platform.
- Fixed an issue where metadata fields are displayed when they should be hidden.
- Fixed an issue where blank options in dropdown based metadata is missing.
- Fixed an issue where "Asset Object" metadata field doesn’t display values when referencing asset groups.
- Fixed an issue where the 'unpublish video' and 'image asset' options were disabled from selection.
Known Issues
- Search and Filter by variant is not functional.
- Column width cannot be changed on search listing table when a template has been selected.
- An asset timeline does not "refresh" for live/growing file assets in the manage page.
- Changing a group asset poster image that displays in the interface does not change from the initially identified image.
- Saved searches are not functional (since February release).
- The Create Group popup does not close when the group is created from quick actions.
- User extracted keyframes do not work for content within the first and last second of the video.
Please contact your Ooyala representative for the full upgrade notes, further information about this release, and the complete list of resolved issues.
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